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World's oldest man calls for more compassion for vulnerable people in Britain | social welfare

World's oldest man calls for more compassion for vulnerable people in Britain | social welfare


When Hussain Bisad first settled in north London 23 years ago as an asylum seeker fleeing the war in Somalia, he did so with the hopes of a new, more stable life. Little did he know that upon his arrival, he would receive media attention not because of his avoidance of conflict, but because of something entirely different: his height.

Bisad had been in England for five months when Guinness World Records measured his height at 2.3 meters (7 feet 6.5 inches), making him the world's tallest living person at the time.

The Sun excitedly declared that the world's tallest man lives in Neasden and he even appeared on US morning talk show Live with Regis and Kelly. This was a completely different life from Somalia, where I grew up with my 165cm tall twin sister.

Looking back, Visad's difficult journey did not end with his flight from his home country. Bisad addresses health issues related to acromegaly (giantism). This is a rare medical condition that causes a person to be noticeably taller than average in which the body produces too much growth hormone.

In 2016, his health deteriorated and he fell into a coma for six months due to meningitis and anemia. He moved into a nursing home between 2017 and 2024, a period he called the dark period of my life.

Now Bisad urges governments to value vulnerable people differently and show them more compassion and kindness. Because now these new universal credit rules are preventing people from getting what they deserve. When someone is suffering from a mental illness, sometimes the illness prevents them from giving certain details and getting what they need.

He said the government must make things easier for people with physical and mental illness, especially young people, and be kinder to vulnerable people and young people in care homes.

Many organizations have recently said that government budgets are not enough for social welfare. The Local Government Association said the $600 million in social care funding local authorities will receive will help meet some, but not all, of the significant pressure on adult and children's social care and homelessness support.

Bissard said the Covid-19 pandemic has been a particularly difficult time for him as residents at the home have been told to stay in their rooms, a difficult time because of his height. Fitting a 2.75 meter long bed into a small room was a challenge.

“I am very happy living alone now,” he said. Now I have my own home, and my old place was a small place with no independence. People cannot visit or stay. It doesn't feel like your own home. Sometimes, some people's parents visit home about once a week. Other than that it felt like a prison.

Because there are so many different types of people in the care home, Bisad said the home is sometimes uncomfortable and she would rather spend all day out in the garden than inside.

There was a woman living next door, and she screamed and banged on the wall from 6 in the morning to 10 or 11 at night. And I asked them. [care workers] Can you stop her from screaming and help her? And we said we couldn't do anything because she was sick. I couldn't sleep so I spent the whole day in the garden until she fell asleep and the garden became quiet.

The Covid period was a period of heightened isolation in Bissad, and many nursing home residents did not survive. They are all dead. All my neighbors are dead. 90% of them died because they were old and sick.

Bisad faces unique challenges as a tall man. He mainly gets his clothes by special order from the United States or China. He wears a size 8XL and his shoes are a UK size 21. Because he cannot buy clothes in the city centre, they are often more expensive.

According to Guinness World Records, the tallest living person is Sultan Ksen, currently living in Ankara, Turkey, at 2.51 m.

The care home where Bisad previously lived said: During his stay he was safe and well-equipped, respecting his choices and maintaining his dignity at all times. [The] The care home provides services for another 78 residents with a range of care needs, and we are also registered with Challenging Behavior and Dementia Care, so the mix of resident categories can be noisy and difficult at times.




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