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North Korean soldiers commit suicide to avoid capture in Ukraine, US says

North Korean soldiers commit suicide to avoid capture in Ukraine, US says


Russia is deploying human waves of North Korean soldiers, the United States said Friday, and at least one soldier captured by Ukraine has died from his injuries.

According to White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby, some North Korean soldiers committed suicide rather than surrender to Ukrainian forces.

These suicides, he explained, were likely due to fear of reprisals against their families in North Korea if captured.

South Korea's national intelligence service confirmed Friday that the North Korean soldier captured the day before had died.

An image taken from a video published by the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry in November shows a Russian serviceman pointing a D-30 howitzer towards Ukrainian positions in Kursk, where many North Korean soldiers have been deployed.AP

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a statement posted on Telegram on Friday that at least 3,000 North Korean troops were killed or injured in Russia's Kursk region, where Ukrainian forces staged a lightning incursion in August.

But Russia has since gathered thousands of troops to counterattack.

Kirby cited a lower toll among North Koreans, saying more than 1,000 troops had died as of last week.

This is in addition to more than 1,500 Russian troops wounded or killed every day, according to the British Ministry of Defense, which estimates there were more than 45,000 casualties in November, the highest since the start of the war , adding that this figure probably reflects the number of victims. of the higher tempo of Russian operations and offensives.

To complement its counterattack, Moscow turned to its ally Pyongyang, which the United States and its allies estimate has deployed about 11,000 troops to Ukraine.

Kirby said the North Koreans were carrying out massive dismounted attacks against Ukrainian positions in Kursk. Although these human wave tactics proved ineffective, he acknowledged that Russia's brutal assault on Ukraine's energy infrastructure made it difficult for Ukrainians to withstand the winter.

Neither Russia nor North Korea has publicly acknowledged the troop deployment.

North Korean troops are being treated as expendable and their leaders have ordered desperate attacks to be launched against Ukraine's defenses, Kirby said.

These North Korean soldiers appear heavily indoctrinated, pushing for attacks even though it is clear the attacks are futile, he said.

The exact number of North Korean soldiers who committed suicide to avoid capture is unclear. Zelensky said Friday that several North Korean soldiers had been captured but were seriously injured and could not be resuscitated, suggesting that some of them may also have been killed by comrades.

These troops were being sent into combat with minimal protection, he said, and suffering heavy casualties.

However, the Ukrainians failed to capture them as prisoners, he added. Their own people execute them.




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