Winds and rain leave much of Britain flooded

More than 100 flood warnings have been issued across the UK and a major incident has been declared in Greater Manchester as winds and rain batter the country on the first day of 2025.
Greater Manchester Police said people were trapped in their homes without running water, while others were rescued from cars stranded in the floodwaters.
Some weather warnings for wind and ice remain for parts of England, with forecasters saying temperatures will plummet overnight and snow is expected over the weekend.
Wednesday's flooding and chaos comes after New Year's Eve celebrations across the country were canceled due to bad weather. But celebrations took place in Manchester and London.
Heavy rain overnight has caused flooding in several areas across Greater Manchester, police said.
Areas affected include Bolton, Didsbury, South Manchester, Harperhay, North Manchester, Stalybridge, Stockport and Wigan.
Authorities carried out two separate rescues overnight in Warrington and nearby Lymm after people were trapped in their vehicles due to flooding.
Flooding in Stockport left around 400 people trapped in their flats without electricity or running water for most of the day, but evacuations are now underway.
In Didsbury, 400 private homes no longer need to be evacuated as waters in the River Mersey are receding, police said.
However, there are plans to begin evacuating 500 people from a hotel in the area, the statement added.
Greater Manchester Police Chief Constable Colette Rose said no one had suffered serious injuries as a result of the flooding and praised members of the public for cooperating with authorities and looking after each other.
Flooding has left the Meadow Mill car park in Stockport under water.
Around 90mm of rain has fallen across north-west England in the last 24 hours, with more than 100mm recorded in some hills in north Wales and Cumbria.
Lane closures occurred on several motorways and roads in north-west England.
In Cheshire, the Bridgewater Canal embankment collapsed, spilling water into fields around Little Bollington.
Police said they were working to evacuate nearby buildings and the M56 westbound between junctions 6 and 7 was closed.
The Bridgewater Canal at Little Bollington, Cheshire, broke its banks due to flooding.
The Environment Agency (EA) has issued 109 flood warnings in England, most of which are concentrated in the North West.
There are also 11 flood warnings in place in north Wales and 17 flood warnings in Scotland.
Met Office weather warnings have been issued across the UK.
Amber warning for snow and ice for northern Scotland until 10am tomorrowAmber warning for ice for the rest of Scotland, Northern Ireland and most of England and Wales from this evening until Thursday morning.
Previous rain warnings in place for parts of England, including rain in the north-west of England, have now been lifted.
London's New Year's Eve parade was briefly delayed due to strong winds in the capital.
PA Media
Some people watched London's New Year's Day parade despite the weather.
The parade was delayed by 30 minutes to avoid colliding with a squall line (a narrow band of very high winds and rain) that was expected in London around noon.
Organizers said inflatable cartoon characters appearing in the parade would not be used following advice from the Met Office.
weekend snow forecast
A weather front in Scotland is bringing rain with some sleet and snow on the hills. As it moves south, it will bring much colder Arctic air, followed by sunny skies and showers.
A few centimeters of snow is expected to fall at lower altitudes overnight, but 5 to 10 centimeters of snow is likely in the northern Scottish hills, which could cause local disruption.
By Thursday it will become increasingly bitter as arctic air reaches all regions.
A yellow snow warning was in place for most of the UK over the weekend, from southern Scotland through northern England, the Midlands and Wales, over London and much of the south-east and west.
On Sunday, an area of low pressure will move into this cold air, bringing rain and some damaging snow to the northern edge.
Bad weather has disrupted rail services in some parts of the country, with several rail operators urging passengers to check online before travelling.
Severe flooding caused widespread cancellations across Northern Rail services to and from Manchester Airport on Wednesday. The TransPennine Express service urged customers not to travel at all on Wednesday due to heavy flooding on several routes. Northern Ireland's Translink similarly advised travelers to check routes before travelling. PA Media
Roads were flooded after heavy rain in the Scottish Highlands on New Year's Eve.
WATCH: Spectacular fireworks display to ring in the New Year in the UK
Fireworks were set off over the River Thames at midnight on Wednesday as thousands gathered on the banks of the capital to ring in the New Year despite bad weather.
Celebrations in Manchester also went ahead as planned after fireworks were moved to the top of the city's central library.
Hogmanee celebrations in Edinburgh were canceled due to public safety concerns, while fireworks displays were also canceled in Blackpool, Newcastle, the Isle of Wight and Ripon in North Yorkshire.
Scottish Culture Secretary Angus Robertson said canceling the festival was “undoubtedly the right decision”.
Blackpool's fireworks display has been canceled due to expected strong winds. Other events in the village also took place, including a projection show to mark the start of 2025.
PA Media
Blackpool fireworks canceled due to expected strong winds
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