A British study found that one cigarette can shorten life expectancy by 20 minutes.

If you're thinking about making a New Year's resolution to quit smoking, it may be helpful to know that new research suggests it may increase your life expectancy.
A new study of British smokers found that smoking one cigarette shortens the average lifespan by about 20 minutes.
Researchers from University College London estimated the loss of life expectancy per cigarette to be about 17 minutes for men and 22 minutes for women, after taking into account socioeconomic status and other factors, the study published Sunday in the journal Addiction I wrote it in an editorial.
This means that if you smoke 20 packs of cigarettes a day, smoking 20 cigarettes for 20 minutes each, you lose almost seven hours of life per pack, said Dr Sarah Jackson, lead researcher at UCL Alcohol and Tobacco Research. group and lead author of the paper.
The time they've lost is time they could have spent in quite a healthy way with their loved ones, Jackson said.
Smoking does not affect your health further in later life. Rather, it appears to be eroding the relatively healthy parts of middle age, she said. So when we talk about declining life expectancy, people tend to live relatively healthy lives.
The study, commissioned by the UK Department of Health and Social Care, included mortality data for men from the British Doctors Study and data for women from the Million Women Study. This study found that people who smoked throughout their lives had their lifespans shortened by an average of 10 years compared to people who never smoked.
Likewise, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the life expectancy of smokers in the United States is estimated to be at least 10 years shorter than that of non-smokers.
Overall, new data from the UK shows that the harm from smoking is cumulative. And the life expectancy that can be recovered by quitting smoking may vary depending on many factors, such as age and duration of smoking.
Regaining lost lives is very complex, Jackson said.
The study found that people who quit smoking at a very young age, in their 20s or early 30s, tend to have a life expectancy similar to that of people who have never smoked. But as you get older, you lose more and more, and you can't get it back if you quit, she said. But no matter how old you are when you quit smoking, your life expectancy will always be longer than if you continued to smoke. So while we may not be able to actually regain the lives already lost, we can prevent further loss of life expectancy.
Jackson and colleagues wrote in their paper that smoking 10 cigarettes a day and quitting on January 1 could prevent a person from losing an entire day of life by January 8. You have until February 20th to prevent an entire week of life being lost. And there will be one month until August 5th. By the end of the year, they had avoided losing 50 days of life expectancy.
Quitting smoking is undoubtedly the best thing you can do for your health, Jackson said. And the sooner you quit smoking, the longer you will live.
Although smoking rates have been declining since the 1960s, smoking remains a leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, killing more than 480,000 Americans each year. But according to the CDC, quitting smoking before age 40 can reduce your risk of dying from a smoking-related disease by about 90 percent.
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A separate study published last year in the journal Nature found that smoking has both short-term and long-term effects on a person's immune system, leaving them vulnerable to developing infections, cancer or autoimmune diseases. The study also found that the more you smoke, the more your immune response changes.
When the smokers in the study quit smoking, their immune responses improved somewhat, but did not fully recover for several years, said co-author Darragh Duffy, PhD, who heads the Translational Immunology Department at the Pasteur Institute.
The good news is that it started to reset when the study results were published. It's never a good time to start smoking, but if you're a smoker, now is the best time.
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