2025 Range Rover P530 Autobiography | uk review

Don't worry. Your eyes don't deceive you. This 2025 model looks like a new but unchanged Range Rover Autobiography, because for almost all intents and purposes, that's exactly what it is. I haven't missed any major updates since there are no major interim updates (in fact, extensive updates will probably come with Electric). This year's flagship adds new colors and trims, and the options list has been streamlined. So essentially, this Range Rover is identical to the 2021 L460. So are luxury SUVs still the choice?
Certainly the initial shock of the design has softened over time. As is often the case when a Range Rover takes a big leap forward. What was once so bold and divisive is now modern and unmistakable: the Range Rover. Crucially, there are some sports that are a bit more attractive than the slightly cheaper ones. If that car were as capable as it is now, these subjective factors would be more important than ever in your purchasing decision. The most expensive wheel options available and a very luxurious specification (including 5,000 Executive Class Comfort seats) will, of course, help with first impressions.
As we expected, the interior is a feast of sumptuous materials and stunning details. Climbing into a very comfortable chair and being surrounded by wood, leather and metal, the sense of context is still unrivaled. However, some competitors now show it for the clarity of their displays. Things directly in front of the driver, including the selected HUD, now look a little dated. The Pivi Pro is still smart and performs reasonably well, but this is especially true when you're on the go, especially when screens like the drive mode selection don't close automatically. What a clean interior brings in terms of style doesn't always match its usability. Even without going into the offroad settings, the screen is annoying. It's too easy to select maximum heat or cold when you want to tweak the ventilation a bit, and it feels like a few icons should be bigger so they're easier to hit.
If the infotainment spoils the atmosphere a little, I think the powertrain is right. The P530 is an unchanged unit, but like beef and horseradish on Sundays, it now produces maximum power up to 7,000 rpm (6,000 rpm) via a twin-turbo V8 mated to an 8-speed automatic. It's a theme that's so beautifully calibrated that it applies to the entire car. It feels like a lot of smart people have spent an enormous amount of time making it absolutely feel that way. The throttle pedal always delivers exactly the amount of performance requested, even furious performance when required, and automatic synchronization is the perfect accomplice. It's not too eager to kick down or reluctant to change, relying on its massive torque and making sure the V8 is soothing yet stimulating at the same time. The intermittent OTT nature of the sports gearbox setup shows just how smart the normal setup is. This range feels much stronger, much more effortless and much more authoritative than the printed 553lb ft in the 3,000rpm rev band.
In fact, it's hard to imagine the enormous benefits this engine would bring if it were further electrified beyond mild hybrid status. In terms of features: Certainly, a smooth-driving average of 22 mpg and a top 25 mpg cruising aren't surprising. But you probably don't want more urgency, performance, or improvement. It's still not the most charismatic V8, but it never has been, and its shortcomings are highlighted by the decision elsewhere to let equivalent engines really rip.
Nonetheless, once you reach your chosen speed, you won't feel any discomfort. The Range Rover remains so serene and all-conquering that it's hard not to be a little bemused by it all. There's just the right amount of insulation, rock-solid stability, a poise that lets you relax when the motorway roundabout lights change at the right time, and of course, an unobstructed view of the road ahead. The combination of a rich driving experience and clear controls makes driving anywhere a true privilege. To be honest, I was disappointed that I arrived home in 90 minutes from the airport. Almost midnight. You want to go forever.
But Range Rovers have been great cruisers for decades. The hallmark of this current generation is their ability to come together side by side, and this remains absolutely in evidence. It's not quite as tight as the Cayenne or, indeed, the Bentayga, but it has the cohesiveness that characterizes the Range Rover experience. Even with two steering axles, the wheel response is perfectly judged, so you can feel confident in something this big and heavy very quickly. Each little bit of brake movement increases the stopping power proportionally, giving you reliable results in any situation.
It has strong traction even on mud or snow tires. Rather than strange silence, there's just the right amount of lean to appreciate the performance achieved by the electronic air suspension with Dynamic Response Pro, roll stability control, torque vectoring by braking and electronic active differential with Terrain Response. Nonetheless, the Range Rover feels so natural and authentic that it's very satisfying on any road. It's a performance you can't replicate anywhere else because it requires just a little bit of effort.
The sport of the chassis is more successful than the powertrain, appropriately enhancing the sharpness of direction changes but never seeming to lack comfort. Once again, reaching your destination in the Range Rover is such a driving pleasure that it's filled with a little sadness that the voyage is over, even if it's a B road.
One or two minor complaints remain. The optional 23-inch wheels here cause a bit of jitteriness at low speeds, enough so that it's hard to suggest going beyond the standard 22-inchers for any use case. Because even at speed it feels like a small secondary intrusion when the Ranges' standard ride is as cozy and plush as you'd expect. And if size complaints seem more meaningless than ever when you consider the size of everything on the road, the fact that a regular Range Rover is well over 5m long compared to 2m wide (with mirrors folded) still makes it a bit more expensive. ​​It seems a little sad. I'd say it's almost 2 inches. And it takes 2.5 tonnes before a pair of Barbour wellies fit inside. Obviously, Range Rovers are supposed to be big and accommodating, and while a noble job has been done to make the driving experience more accessible, they remain unavoidably massive cars on almost any road, if time has lessened the impact of some aspects.
Those who can afford it, those with better spatial awareness and parking skills than you (or those who simply care less) will find the Range Rover more appealing than ever. There are many cars today that match its technology and in some areas surpass it, but none can do it all while making it even more fascinating to the driver. And that's possible without having to explore the yard off-road. As always, no one needs a V8 Range Rover with as much power as an M3 and the fuel economy of an aircraft carrier. But they would be entirely justified in wanting it very much indeed.
Specifications | 2025 Range Rover P530 Autobiography
Engine: 4,395cc, V8, twin turbochargedTransmission: 8-speed automatic, 4-wheel drive Power (hp): 530@5,000-7,000rpmTorque (lb ft): 553@1,800-4,500rpm0-62mph: 4.6 secondsTop speed: 155mphWeight: 2,510kg (DIN)MPG: Max 24.2(WLTP)CO2: From 264g/km(WLTP) Price: 142,400 (standard price, as tested price 155,190, consisting of Charente Gray paint for 865, SV Bespoke 23-inch style 1079 wheels for 2,600, Gloss Grand Black veneer for 385) ), 24-way heating and cooling, electric hot stone massage 4,900 seats including Executive Class Comfort rear seats, 3,700 seats with 11.4-inch rear seat entertainment screen, 340 seats with Secure Tracker Pro 36-month subscription)
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