Brazil condemns us after the arrival of the deportees DW 01/26/2025

Brazil firmly condemned the United States on Saturday after dozens of deportees arrived in the country to handcuff.
A plane carrying 88 Brazilian passengers, 16 American security agents and eight crew members, was to originally arrived in Belo Horizonte in the state of Minas Gerais, but had to do an emergency landing in the city of Manaus due to 'A technical error, said a declaration by the Brazilian government.
Brazilian federal police received the plane at the instructions from the Minister of Justice Ricardo Lewandowski and intervened, asking agents to withdraw the handcuffs from the deportees.
Lewandowski told the left president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva that it was a “blatant disrespect” of their fundamental rights, according to a statement from the Brazilian Ministry of Justice and Public Security. “By learning the situation, President Lula ordered that a Brazilian Air Force plane (FAB) be mobilized to transport the Brazilians to their final destination, to ensure that they could end their trip with dignity and security, “said the ministry’s press release.
Donald Trump's decrees leave migrants in limbo
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Anti-immigration feeling in the United States
US President Donald Trump has taken a severe anti-immigration position since his entry into office this week and has promised to withdraw undocumented migrants.
However, the expulsion flight is the result of a bilateral agreement of 2017 and did not come from any of Trump's orders on immigration, a government source told AFP.
It was the second flight of this type carrying undocumented migrants from the United States in Brazil this year.
Several expulsion flights have taken off since Monday when Trump took office, although they were also common under the previous presidents.
The use of handcuffs on migrants is considered controversial in Brazil. Even the former Brazilian conservative president Jair Bolsonaro, a Trump supporter, called at the end of the practice.
TG / WD (AFP, Reuters)
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