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Afghans who worked for us are in limbo like Trump blocks the refugee programExBulletin

Afghans who worked for us are in limbo like Trump blocks the refugee programExBulletin



An American Air Force captain reviews the map of the Mission of the Mission of the Day with an Afghan National Army officer with the help of an Afghan interpreter (left), before the convoy American-Afghan leaves Ghazni, Afghanistan, March 16, 2009. Robert Nickelsberg / Getty Images Europe Hide Legend

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Surayya's flight to the United States has already been reserved when President Trump has ordered a break on the admission to American refugees. Shortly after, his flight was canceled and his stomach fell.

“I don't know what to do,” she said. “If I go back to Afghanistan, I will be prosecuted or even be killed by the Taliban.”

Surayya, who asked NPR not to use her full name for security reasons, used to work on women's rights projects with the United States Embassy in Kabul. But when the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, Surayya and his children fled to neighboring Pakistan. There, she asked for resettlement in the United States and was approved.

Now, Surayya’s future and security seem uncertain, as well as tens of thousands of other Afghans who have risked their lives to work for the US government or army.

During the first day of Trump's term, the president published an executive decree to suspend refugee requests and travel plans, citing concerns about the country's ability to absorb a large number of refugees.

We do not know how long the suspension will last, but the order allows the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Internal Security to admit refugees on a case -by -case basis “. The US State Department has not answered at the request of NPR comments.

Long -standing tracks for Afghan allies are suspended

The United States is home to more than 200,000 Afghans who arrived as refugees, according to Shawn Vandiver, a military veteran and the president of #Afghanevac, a non-profit organization that helps people in Afghanistan in America.

Around the world, more than 40,000 Afghans still actively pursue resettlement in the United States, with more than 10,000 approved to move by the United States government.

Many people affected by the break of the American refugee admission program (USRAP) are Afghan lawyers and judges who have put Taliban fighters behind bars, as well as members of the Afghan army who have formed and fought sides of American troops. Families of around 200 American soldiers in active service are also affected, said Vandiver.

“We have made a promise to our Afghan allies, and held this promise not only concerns politics, it is honor and integrity,” he added.

USRAP is one of the Afghans ways that have risked their lives to support American missions. The other is called the Special Immigrant Visa (SIV), specially designed for Afghan performers, drivers and other entrepreneurs who worked directly with American forces.

The SIV program is also in danger, following a separate decree suspending foreign aid, including the financing of refugee resettlement agencies. According to Vandiver, the command on the part of relocation flights, as well as organizations for treatment for SIV cases and offering critical travel loans, according to Vandiver.

“It is not only a humanitarian question, it is economical. The training effects will be felt in the United States, because the resettlement agencies close their doors and their jobs are lost,” he said .

“He unfortunately puts our life in serious danger”

Surayya said she was supposed to be evacuated to the United States after the Taliban seized Kabul. But like thousands of others, she could not get on a plane during the American chaotic retirement from Afghanistan in 2021.

The exit occurred during the stay of former president Biden in power, but it was launched by the first Trump administration, who signed an agreement with the Taliban in 2020 to withdraw after two decades in the country.

Although Surayya is currently residing in Pakistan, this is not a permanent solution. Over the years, Pakistan has expelled hundreds of thousands of Afghans. Without a chance to move to the United States, Surayya does not know where to go elsewhere.

“Pakistan police are looking for Afghans,” she said. “I am not safe here. And if I go back to Afghanistan, my life is not sure, the life of my children is not safe.”

Many Afghans who worked for the United States but could not escape Afghanistan now live in the hiding places of the Taliban, like Roshangar, who asked NPR not to include his full name because he was on the run.

Roshangar said he was working alongside American pilots, helping to revise and approve the air strikes against Taliban fighters. He was on the last stage of his request before the suspension of the refugee program. Roshangar said he believed that the Trump administration turned back to the American Afghan allies.

“Unfortunately, he puts our life in serious danger,” he said.

Veterans gather behind the Afghan allies, urging the Trump administration to reverse the course

For the army veteran Mark Kirkendall, the question is deeply personal. “I called these Afghan engineers. I worked with my adoptive sons,” he said. “It's how close we are.”

Kirkendall was deployed in Afghanistan more than a decade. Since then, he has remained in regular contact with the engineers with whom he worked, helping many of them to reinstall himself with the United States

Kirkendall, who voted for Trump, hopes that the president will make an exemption for the Afghan allies. With three engineers still in Afghanistan and having lost two against the Taliban, Kirkendall said that he considered him a question of life or death.

“American politics has always been to take care of our allies, and we are not doing a good job of that; we fail the Afghan people,” he said.

The army veteran Alex Waller, which was deployed in Afghanistan in 2017, he thinks that the United States has a moral responsibility to protect those who risked their lives to serve alongside American troops.

“Overall, they are productive members of society who want to be here, who want to make a good life for themselves, and who are in my opinion, they are exceptional people,” he said .

In the past two years, Waller and other veterans have worked with the Argo working group, a group of volunteers dedicated to helping Afghan allies to evacuate, to bring to the United States a former member of the Afghan army who is currently in Turkey.

Waller said the soldier was known for participating in dozens of raids against the Taliban and helped evacuate an injured American. Since Waller learned that USRAP had been arrested, he couldn't help but want him to act faster.

“We must not assume that the countries in which they hide will continue, like, letting them drag on the kindness of their hearts or something,” he said.

Last week, hundreds of veterans signed an open letter to the Trump administration organized by #Afghanevac, asking that Afghans who endeavor to work for the United States be exempt from the executive order blocking the refugees. They argued that the fact of not doing it would compromise the credibility of America with potential allies in future conflicts:

“Abandoning them now would be a betrayal of the values ​​that we have led to defend and the confidence constructed through years of shared wrestling and sacrifice.”




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