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A second company in northeast of Ohio advances in order to save us from steel

A second company in northeast of Ohio advances in order to save us from steel



Cleveland Ancora Holdings, an institutional asset management company based in Mayfield Heights and a private wealth advisor, asks US Steel to abandon its merger agreement with Japanese Steel Japanese Steel, ends its dispute against the federal government seeking to maintain the 'Agreement and to oust and oust its general manager.

In a letter sent to the US board of directors of steel and shared with News 5, Ancora said that they were an increasing shareholder of the US Steel and call for a change of wholesale, in particular in appointment of nine candidates for Board of Directors of the US Steel and the eviction of the CEO David Burritt.

“Although we understand why the board of directors explored strategic alternatives in 2023, its ultimate decision to ignore national security and continue a risky sale in Japanese, a tenderer abroad who came in just $ 1 By action greater than a domestic tenderer competitor has led to a dead end.

An activist investor who recently forced the change to Norfolk-Southern, Ancora's letter indicates that they have “proven history of correct identification companies which are retained by CEOs in conflict or unfit. Before requesting withdrawal From a CEO, we generally try to work with a board of directors to tackle and consult the defects of managers.

Ancora wants to use his slate on the board to rebuild US Steel, not sell it.

“Our slate includes people with corporate governance experience, expertise in finance, manufacturers and manufacturing history, a sense of public policies and other essential qualifications to turn an autonomous American steel.”

“The slate plan includes the installation of Alan Kestenbaum, a legend of the steel industry which delivered a total return on shareholders of more than 450% to Stelco Holdings Inc., replacing Mr. Burritt. We expect ourselves To the fact that the investment community agrees that any steel business would be fortunately that Mr. Kestenbaum assumes such a role.

Kestenbaum was executive president of Stelco Holdings of Canada, acquired at the end of last year by Cleveland-Cliffs.

CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Lourenco Goncalves, started this whole process when he made an unsolicited offer for Us Steel with the support of the United Steelworkers Union.

It was an offer rejected by the US Steel Board, but the one that opened the door to other offers, with which Japanese Japanese intervened, and the board of directors of the US Steel accepted.

This brought immediate calls from Democrats and Republicans to Washington, including Sherrod Brown and JD VANCE senators for the United States (CIFIUS) commission to block the agreement for national security reasons.

This committee did not reign anyway, leaving the decision to President Jow Biden, who blocked it on January 3.

Japanese and US Steel have filed a federal legal action contesting this decision. They filed a separate complaint against Goncalves, Cleveland-Cliffs and the United Steelworkers Union for what the suitors are illegal and coordinated actions aimed at preventing the agreement.

The cliffs cannot make an official offer less or until Nippon has abandoned its plans, a deadline that the Biden administration has extended during the weekend until June.

CEO of Cleveland-Cliffs, Lourenco Goncalves, said this month that he wanted to make a new offer for Us Steel.

If Cleveland-Cliffs acquires Us Steel, its CEO says that the headquarters of the new company would be in Pittsburgh

Related: If Cleveland-Cliffs acquires Us Steel, its CEO says that the headquarters of the new company would be in Pittsburgh

“I'm going to move to Pittsburgh and US Steel will finally have a CEO residing in Pittsburgh,” said Goncalves earlier this month at a press conference nearly two hours in the west of Pennsylvania.

Goncalves also said that “the name of the surviving entity will be the United States Steel Corporation. Cliffs will be part of the United States Steel Corporation. The mining side will be Cleveland Cliffs, the steel side will be United States Steel.”

In response to Ancora's actions, US Steel published Monday saying that “US Steel has an experienced and independent board of directors (the board of directors) with a proven history of action in the best interest of the company and value creation for shareholders.

“We are convinced that our partnership with Nippon Steel is the best deal for American Steel, American Jobs, American Communities and American Supply Chains. With Nippon Steel, Us Steel remains an American company and its head office will remain in Pittsburgh, its emblematic name not change, and its products will remain extracted, melted and made in America.

The American Steel Declaration continued by saying: “Ancoras interest is not aligned with all the shareholders of the US Steel. Our shareholders will not be well served by making business control in Ancora. We are also concerned By the motivations behind these appointments, Ancoras and Alan Kestenbaums of recent transactions with the Cleveland-Cliffs tenderer. “




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