The demonstrators attack the French embassies, the United States, Rwandans in the DRC | Conflict news
![The demonstrators attack the French embassies, the United States, Rwandans in the DRC | Conflict news The demonstrators attack the French embassies, the United States, Rwandans in the DRC | Conflict news](
The demonstrators attack the embassies of France, Belgium, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and the United States in Kinshasa.
The demonstrators demanding an action on the offensive of M23 rebel groups in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) attacked several embassies in the capital, Kinshasa.
Crowds of demonstrators attacked the embassies of France, Belgium, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya and the United States on Tuesday, and smoke could be seen from the French Embassy After a fire broke out.
The demonstrators denounced the international inaction on the conflict, targeting the embassies of the countries which they accuse of complicity in the Rwandas supported to the rebel group, that Kigali denies.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs said in a position on X that the attack on the embassy was unacceptable. Jean-Noel Barrot confirmed that the embassy building briefly caught fire, but said that the fire had been under control.
Police used tear gas to disperse the demonstrators, some of whom burned tires and clashed with the police.
Kenya is deeply concerned by the Attacks on our embassy offices and staff in Kinshasa, the democratic republic of the Congo (DRC) by a riotous Mob Protesting the Violent Conflict in Eastern Drc, Cabinet Secretary for Foreign and Diaspora Affairs Musalia Mudavadi Said in a stament .
Violent attacks, looting and destruction of property constitutes a serious violation of international law, he added.
Speaking on national television, the Minister of Communications of the DRC, Patrick Muyaya, urged the demonstrators to demonstrate peacefully and to abstain from violence against the accredited consular infrastructure. He later said that the situation was under control.
UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres spoke separately on Tuesday with the presidents of the DRC and Rwanda about the climbing of the conflict, according to spokesperson Stephane Dujarric.
When asked if progress has been made to end the conflict, Dujarric told journalists: the crisis in eastern Congo has lasted for decades, it will not be resolved within 24 hours.
What is clear is that it will not be resolved by military operations by various governments, by various militias.
The rebels enter Goma
The March 23 Movement (M23) said it had taken control of Goma, the largest city in the northern Kivu province in the east of the DRC.
Since last week, at least 17 United Nations soldiers of the United Nations have been killed in fighting, including three South African peace soldiers killed on Monday when the rebels launched an attack at Goma airport. The M23 forces were fighting on Tuesday to take the airport in their attempt to complete their control over Goma.
The Unsu Dujarric said that the situation remains tense and fluid in Goma.
The forces of M23, we are told, are inside the city and the United Nations peacekeeping staff and the troops were largely forced to rise in their bases, he said.
M23 is one of the many armed groups operating in the eastern DRC and seeking to control critical mineral mines.
The UN, the DRC and several other countries accuse Rwanda of supporting the M23 rebels. Rwanda has always denied this allegation.
The group is made up of Tutsi fighters and says it fights for the rights of the minority Tutsi population of the DRC. He appeared in 2012 after a group of the Armed Forces of the DRC (FARDC) separated, complaining of ill -treatment.
Al Jazeeras Malcolm Webb, reporting from Nairobi, said that many people from the DRC believe that Rwanda and Uganda, whose embassies have been attacked, fueled the conflict in the eastern country.
The embassies of the Western countries, the United States, France, Belgium and the Netherlands are at the very least accomplices of their military support and their aid in Rwanda, he said.
Webb said the sounds of shots and mortar in Goma had decreased and that Congolese and allies would have made more effort to push the rebels.
Hospitals are flooded with hundreds of victims, according to the UN and hospital sources, he noted. Much more people have been injured in the fighting and people there told us that they could not ask for medical care because it is not safe in the streets due to the fights.
The United Nations Security Council is expected to meet late Tuesday to discuss the conflict and the humanitarian crisis involved.
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