The British population exceeds the French population for the first time. ONS data | population
![The British population exceeds the French population for the first time. ONS data | population The British population exceeds the French population for the first time. ONS data | population](
According to National Statistics (ONS), the British population exceeded the French population for the first time.
According to the number of ONS, the British population is expected to reach 72.5 million people by mid -2013, and almost 5 million out of 67.6 million in mid -2012.
According to the ONS level, the population was 663 million in mid -2012, with France published by France, which was published by France.
According to the ONS, the growth driver of this period was migrant, and natural change is expected to have a difference between birth and death.
The international is expected to be 4.9 million in 10 years. This has been modified above with previous 4.5 million projections.
A spokesman for the Prime Minister said Keir Starmer wants to destroy a tremendous high level of migration, but he will not set any upper limit.
The spokesman said he will publish a white paper to make a comprehensive plan to end this huge number of migration.
As the prime minister said before, we had a upper limit before and did not have a significant impact on reducing immigration.
Therefore, he does not think that setting any limit, as the previous government did, is the best way to significantly reduce relocation.
The number of births and deaths during the period is expected to be almost the same, and about 6.8 million births are offset by 6.8 million.
Birth is expected to increase slightly, while relatively many people are expected to die at a age of age after World War II.
The net migration level to the UK is expected to average 340,000 annually, which is lower than the current level from mid -2012.
This is up to 100,000 people than before BREXIT, but since June 2023, it has fallen from 906,000 records according to the previous conservative government.
Karl Williams, the research director of the Center-Right Thinktank Policy Research Center: once again, the ONS population forecast has been 340,000 per year since 2029, and has been in the entire population growth.
The population of England is expected to grow faster than other British countries in 10 years to mid -2013, with a 7.8%increase from Wales, 4.4%for Scotland, and 2.1%for North Ireland.
Adam Corleett, a major economist of the Foundation, said the figures increased the project to the labor population as the net migration increased.
The fact that there is a lot of labor population means a larger economy, more workers and higher tax receipts, which should provide an annual fiscal improvement of about 5 billion by the end of 10 years, he said.
In case of OBR [Office for Budget Responsibility] Using these population predictions. This will be a welcome to the superintendent, given the wider economic pressure she faced.
When the net migration level reached its peak, Chris Philp, a minister of immigration, between 2019 and 2021, said: It should be able to prevent concrete and stop.
It is too high for 10 million people to arrive for 10 years. We need a binding legal upper limit to the visa issued every year. In order to lower and control numbers every year, it is very substantially lower than this.
We also need to secure more than 9 million economic inactive adults in the UK and make more investment in technology and mechanization to end the sustainable dependence on large -scale low skill migration.
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