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British poverty 2025: Essential guide for understanding of poverty in the UK

British poverty 2025: Essential guide for understanding of poverty in the UK



A family with children

We have already seen that children have a higher risk of poverty (30%vs. 21%for the total population), and the family with more than three children continued to face poverty (45%of the children's children 2022/23 Poverty). This is because many benefits have an unbalanced impact on large families. This includes two children's limits. This is a benefit cap that restricts the qualifications for many children's benefits to the first two children of the family, regardless of whether the family is at work or outside. -Work benefits. The decrease in poverty rate in large families has reduced children's poverty by 2012/13, but the increase in the group has since led child poverty since then.

Families with children also face additional challenges if they limit their ability to maintain high -quality and high -quality work. 44%of children in lonely family were poverty in the latest data 2022/23.

Minority group

The poverty rate is very high in some minority groups. In particular, more than half of the people in Bangladesh (56%) and about half of Pakistan (49%) households between 2020/21 and 2022/23 lived in the poverty, and the poverty level was much higher for the children of the household ( 67% and 61%). In the home led by the black African background (40%), about four out of 10 were poverty, and about half of these families were in the poor. All of these groups were much more likely than those in families led by people with white people (19%) by poor (19%) (24%of the households led by white people were in poverty). The minority group with high poverty rate also had a very deep and continuous rate of poverty.


People with disabilities have a higher risk of poverty. This is partially led by the barriers to the additional costs of disability and health and the barriers to what the disabled faces. However, the proportion of disabled labor adults in work increased from 42%to 53%of 2010/23 in 2022/23, and the poverty rate remained steadily during that period. In the latest data, there were 16 million people with disabilities in the UK, which included almost one of the four (24%) and almost four of the 10 families. The poverty rate of the disabled was 30%and 10 percentage points higher than the proportion of people without disabilities. Almost half of all people with disabilities and poverty have limited their mental state in the long run. The group's poverty rate was 50%, 50%compared to 29%of people with physical or different types of disabilities.


Similarly, informal caregivers are much more likely than those who are not responsible for poverty (28%compared to 20%). In 2022/23, one out of 10 adults (5.1 million) was an informal caregiver, and six of them live in a family with disabilities. The decrease in the ability to do their work is informal careful fines, and unpaid social care donors experience 414 average wage penalities per month (almost 5,000 per year).

People in a family without a job

According to the latest data, people in homes without work are at high risk of poverty, and more than half (54%) of labor age adults are in the poor at home without work. However, because of the high proportion of the population, about two -thirds of the labor age adults in the poor lived in the furniture where someone worked despite the fact that the poverty rate was actually much lower. The poverty rate of part -time workers was almost three times, and full -time workers (22%compared to 8%), and part -time self -employed workers more than twice as much (23%compared to the poor) than the employees. Workers in the administrative and supporting activities were 22%, the highest poverty rate. Part -time self -employed workers were much higher than 28%. The highest poverty rates of this business were the highest in accordance with accommodation and food service workers (23%), administrative and support service activities (21%), and agriculture, forestry and fishing (21%).

Social and private tenant

There is a connection between the terms and poverty. In 2022/23, four of the ten social tenants were poverty of four (44%) and individual tenants. In the group where the poverty is a tenant, three of the 10 social tenants and half of the individual tenants seemed to be poor only after poverty only after poverty. It seems to be in place. One out of seven of the owners (14%) lived in a poor house, and one out of ten living in a house was poverty.

People who claim income -related benefits

Finally, the poverty rate of those who claim other income -related benefits is much higher than the national average poverty rate. On the other hand, this will be expected in consideration of low -income qualification standards for claiming these benefits, while the available benefits show that the receiver is not enough to avoid poverty. In fact, the basic ratio of UC is even lower than the slum threshold.




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