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16 imprisoned British climate activists appeal to excessively rough sentences | environment

16 imprisoned British climate activists appeal to excessively rough sentences | environment



The 16 environmental activists who were imprisoned last year will appear in the High Court on Wednesday and ask a senior judge to destroy excessively rough sentences.

In four separate cases, the appeal will appear in front of the judge's bench led by the Lady Kart Supreme Court. Terms of nonviolent protests.

Many celebrities are expected to join hundreds of protesters, while Greenpeace and Earth's friends borrow legal expertise in court to support what's described as an important legal test for protest rights.

Supporters say that in the case of various nonviolent civil disobedience protests, the sentence of appeals between 20 and 5 years is the result of an excessive, unbalanced, and political crackdown that affects democratic rights.

The sentence for the appeal includes a five -year imprisonment for Roger Hallam, a co -founder of extinction rebellion against M25's Zoom Call Planning Road Block protest. In 2022, the barn Maxi was given for three years to occupy an external tunnel of the oil terminal of sex. And in the National Gallery, the Phoebe Plummer took two years to throw the tomato soup in a sunflower picture covered with vincent van gog.

Gai Delap, a retired teacher, hopes to appeal to her sentence. Brian Farmer/Pa

In addition, there is a 78 -year -old GAIE Delap, which was recently recalled as a prison because the government contractor could not find a right -sized tag for his wrist.

The supporters are nicknamed the group Walney Lord 16, and their long sentences have all pointed out that Walney, a cross bench colleague appointed as a former government advisor to political violence, came later. It was a strict restriction, such as regenerating extreme protests and being applied to terrorist groups.

It is very rare to combine the application form for many other cases. Observers are the decision to emphasize the importance of the case. However, CARR previously supported a long sentence of two stop oil protesters who had previously blocked traffic on the QE2 highway bridge and justified it by the suppression of other people trying to participate in similar demonstrations.

Zoe Cohen, an extinct rebellion spokesman, said: An important part of democracy. This excessive sentence is designed not to protest people. However, the law that enables this sentence was written by Thinktanks, which was raised by the same actors who could be responsible for companies, petroleum funds and cruel inequalities and extinct.

Greenpeace and Earth's friends were given the authority to specifically intervene in the appeals for five appeals, including Hallam, who was in jail for organizing M25 protests. However, the organization said that the submission was written to support even those who participated in other connection appeals.

In addition to claiming that this sentence is excessive, organizations say that they violate human rights legislation, which should be proportional to the sentence if the basic rights such as protest rights are involved.

Closing peaceful protesters did not take place in a tolerant society, Katie de Kauwe, a senior lawyer of an Earth friend.

Areeba Hamid, a co -executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: this long sentence for peaceful protests makes it difficult to see modern England as a mature and tolerant culture that parents and grandparents enjoy. The cooler head will find that we can abandon all of us that we all have great value in order to revenge our inconvenience.




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