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Pentagon Gen Mark Millery bands of American security details and authorizations

Pentagon Gen Mark Millery bands of American security details and authorizations



The Pentagon revoked the security details and the authorization for General Mark Many, a former American general who criticized US President Donald Trump.

The Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth, directed this decision as one of his first acts in office, asking officials to investigate the “conduct” of General Milley and to review his military note.

General Milley previously was the best American general during Trump's first term, but then criticized his former boss, and was cited the appellant a “fascist”.

Since his return to his duties, Trump has revoked security protections for a handful of former officials with whom he faced, including the former senior health official Anthony Fauci.

Trump previously accused General Milley of betrayal for telephone calls he has kept with his Chinese counterpart in the last weeks of his first Trump presidency, including a riot of the American Capitol by Trump supporters in 2021.

The Gen Cany would have used one of the calls to reassure China that the United States would not launch nuclear strike. On social networks, the president described these calls as “an act so obvious that, in past times, punishment would have been death!”.

General Many, however, testified that calls had been coordinated with other defense secretaries.

It was in Bob Woodward's book, published last year, that General Milley was cited called Trump “fascist at the heart” and “the most dangerous person in this country”.

And in 2023, by delivering his latest speech as president of the joint staff chiefs, General Milley said that the soldiers had not taken an oath to a “budding dictator”. The comment that was seen by many as a reference to Trump, the man who named him for the position in the first place.

Before Trump's return to the White House last week, outgoing president Joe Biden delivered General Milley – and a handful of others, including Fauci – preventive forgiveness in case they should have been punishment from Trump.

The Biden press release said that the pardons should “not be mistaken as a recognition” that one of the covered people “engaged in reprehensible acts”.

General Milley thanked Biden for this decision and said that he did not want to spend the rest of his life “unjustly fight those who could ask for reprisals for light perceived”.

“I do not want to put my family, my friends and those with whom I served through the distraction, the resulting expenditure and anxiety,” he said.

The news that General Milley was stripped of his security details and his security authorization was confirmed in a press release to the American BBC partner, CBS News.

The office of the Ministry of Defense of the Inspector General was also invited to “conduct an investigation into the facts and circumstances surrounding the conduct of General Many so that the secretary can determine if he should reopen his determination of the Examination of the military note, “said the press release.

Trump's new administration has also revoked security protections for its former secretary of state Mike Pompeo, his former national security advisor John Bolton and his former envoy Brian Hook.

In the hours following the second inauguration of Trump, Trump officials also withdrew from the Pentagon a portrait representing the president of the heads of staff of General Milley.




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