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Migrants describe thefts aboard American military planes carrying out the rapid deportations of Trump

Migrants describe thefts aboard American military planes carrying out the rapid deportations of Trump



Guatemala City (AP) Margarita Raymundo descended the Ramp of the Air Force freight jet and on the tarmac of Guatemala City airport, barely three days after an agent of the American border patrol had apprehended it , as well as three other migrants.

Quick deportation on Monday was disorienting for her and the 63 other migrants on board and only possible because the Trump administration has enlisted the army to quickly increase its expulsion capacity, which is generally based on approved flights.

During the first week of the American president, Donald Trumps, the second term, the Ministry of Internal Security declared to expel some 7,300 people of various nationalities.

The agent who apprehended Raymundo just five minutes walk from the highway where a vehicle expected to take it further in the United States told him that his deportation would be quick and warned that if she had to be taken again Five years in prison, she said.

The presence of American military planes landing in Latin America raises concerns in a region with a history of American military intervention, more when they carry citizens of these countries in the chains.

Colombian President Gustavo Petro refused to leave two American military planes carrying land deportees to his country this weekend. Instead, two Air Force Colombian planes were sent to the United States to pick up the Colombians and bring them home on Tuesday, but only after a Trump's pricing threat and a furious diplomacy.

Earlier this week, Mexican president Claudia Sheinbaum tried to say that four flights that landed in a Mexico City Airport in recent days transporting deportees were all civilians.

Guatemala did not oppose publicly and at least three American military flights carrying deportees landed there last week.

We cannot refuse them and it is our obligation (to receive migrants), said Danilo Rivera, director of Guatemalas Immigration Institute.

Jorge Santos of the Convergence of Human Rights, a Guatemalan coalition, said that deportations should be treated exclusively by civilians, without the use of military plans. He also criticized the practice of chain deportees, although this happens on civilian charter flights managed by American immigration and customs application.

The use of channels should not be a condition of this situation, nor to chain the feet and hands and much less that a military authority has a role in the context of an action which must be completely civil, said Santos .

Lesly Ramrez, who was on the same flight as Raymundo, said her handcuffs were tight and injured his hands. While migrants received food on the plane, she said it was difficult to eat with their handcuffed hands chained to their size. Airplane authorities have removed them shortly before landing, she said.

Ramrez, 35, a single mother of two, had climbed the border fence and walked in the United States for two hours before the border patrol took it on Friday.

Were all human beings, she said. We were going to work, were not criminals.

Raymundo echoes this feeling.

The 21-year-old was devastated by the failed attempt to enter the United States, largely because of what it would mean for her and her parents, Maya Chalchiteca, who had gathered $ 25,000 in loans to pay His smuggler. She said that she had no hope of repaying the debt in Guatemala.

With a restaurant work already secured in the United States, Raymundo has remained determined. I have only one other opportunity to go, I will try, she said through tears, in reference to smugglers common to the practice of offering several tests.

She said that she had tried to go to the United States because her family is poor and that she wanted to help her parents.

I left Guatemala to give them a better life, she said.


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