Reformed British lands more than a million dollars at a populist exhibition.
![Reformed British lands more than a million dollars at a populist exhibition. Reformed British lands more than a million dollars at a populist exhibition.](
The British Populist Party is expected to bring more than $ 1.2 million from a brilliant fundraiser on Tuesday Tuesday.
Since Nigel Farage acquired as a party leader and his ideological ally, Donald J. Trump, returned to the White House, a big ticket and American style event was the first major fundraising event. Gala was also characterized by YMCA, a song of the classic village people who became the mainstream of Trump's rally.
Farage wants to remake British conservatism as President Trump has in the United States. He pushed the movement to the right with anti -immigration and anti -regulatory nationalist platform.
For the parties who raised less than $ 200,000 in all 2023, the turnaround after Farage became a leader last year is amazing. In Germany, Farage took his party to the power to fund the political failure in political failure, in Germany.
Farage arrived at OSWALDS, an exclusive club near MAYFAIR, London, Tuesday. OSWALDS is owned by the main reform donor Robin Birthy.
Marlborough Duke, Charles James Spencer-Churchill soon went back. He also attended Arron Banks, who raised funds in the BREXIT campaign, and also attended Victoria Hervey and Holly Valance, who were former pop stars and married to reform and finance.
The reform is the future of this country, and Michael Hewitt, a retired US naval and co -founder of IP3 International, a nuclear technology company, said after the event. The same exercise as Donald Trump.
The high -ranking authorities said the reforms sold 90 tickets between 10,000 and 25,000. This will increase more than $ 1 million ($ 1.2 million) for the parties. Party officials spoke about anonymous conditions because they do not have the authority to discuss preliminary accounting.
Nick Candy, a reform finance, promised to secure more money for the party than anything else in British political history, and Farage has publicly mischievously accepting Mr. Trump's donations. Mr. Pa -gi said that the billionaire technical technology giant Elon Musk discussed the donation of money.
Unlike the United States, there is no restriction on British political donation. Rumors that donations were donated from MUSK SPREAD have raised the idea of restricting foreign campaign donations.
The reforms recorded five seats in parliamentary (seven failed attempts) and 14 %in the last few years of national elections. Today, the party votes ahead of the conservatives and is preventing the gap with the Labor Party.
Despite voting profits and rapid cash inflows, reforms have a steep fundraising hill. Labor was raised by about 30 million people in 2023, about 48 million in 2023, and data can be used for the past year.
FARAGE helped to lead BREXIT votes in 2016 by gaining political career in opposition to the European Union and immigration. According to polls, most British believe that they are now a mistake to leave the European Union. Farages status.
His luck seems to be galvanized by Trump's victory. Reform claims are the fastest growing parties in the UK, and recently, almost 187,000 supporters surpass the Conservative Party, which pays voluntary membership fees.
Trump and Paraji have been a long -time allies. President Trump predicted the paradise election last summer, and Trump was next to Mar-A-Lago on the night of the election when he returned to the White House.
Many reforms that reformed new major pledges on the Declaration or Policy Platform in 2024 reflect Trump's actions in the office on the first day.
He gave up his reform climate goal and promised to swing the energy sector with oil and gas. The party wants to cut taxes, reduce wasteful government spending, and increase military spending. And it wants to discard diversity, equity and inclusive initiatives.
Like Trump, FARAGE meets the WeKE IDEOLOGY and Transgender Adoctrination.
One of the most ambitious promises is to remove the list of national health services within two years by investing in personal health care and injecting 17 billion ($ 2 billion) into public health services almost three times more than other political parties.
However, the Institute for Fiscal Studies, an independent research group, said that the overall tax and expenditure plan will not be added and billions of dollars will be more than the claims.
Last week, Paraji was rejoiced and rejoiced by President Trump's greatest return in modern politics. The Republicans wrote in the whole body column and found a completely new definition of conservatism.
Populism was a winner in the recent American elections, he wrote. Who says that it can't be the same in England?
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