British security transactions are hope with the EU due to fishing disputes
![British security transactions are hope with the EU due to fishing disputes British security transactions are hope with the EU due to fishing disputes](
Keir Starmers plans to agree with the EU's security agreement with the EU, which France and other member states are being blocked by the needs of fishing rights and the youth mobility system, and hopes to win early in the reset dialogue with Brussels.
In recent weeks, the British efforts to sign quantum security and defense partnerships with the European Commission in the UK have met the opposition from the EU capitals to connect them with a wide range of contract packages, the two officials said.
The British government said: It has become clear that it will not happen without early guarantee of fish and mobility over the last four to five weeks. Nothing agreed until everything was agreed.
The EU officials confirmed that the member states led by France have refused to participate in security agreements, unless the UK provided a guarantee of a block of continuous fishing rights and youth mobility transactions.
An EU official said by an EU official with a knowledge of preparation for the expected reset summit in the first half of this year.
Another EU official said: [Member states] The form of security and defense with the UK is expected to move forward unlike other parts of the reset package.
As Starmer prepared to attend the European Council 27 EU Leaders' Meeting on February 3, the confrontation between the two sides attended an unofficial meeting in Brussels, which is dedicated to defense and security cooperation on February 3.
This is the first time that the British prime minister has met all EU leaders since BREXIT.
The UK hoped to secure a legitimate binding contract with a legitimate launch for other negotiations dealing with security trade, energy and fishing with six countries, including Norway, Korea and Japan.
A British official admitted that the right to fish was a knot at the talks, but France was a minority and not once.
Security agreements were partially triggered by a wide range of concerns about the future of the European security architecture caused by the US Pivot against Ukraine and the US Pivot for Asia.
The company envisions to establish a high -ranking political agreement to work with problems such as regular dialogue between the EU Foreign Ministry and the British Foreign Minister and the Ukraine, the Balkan Peninsula and the Asia -Pacific Ocean.
But Europe
Fishing is said to be very important and political for some member states. It is also a litmus test. Why do we give if the UK wants to reset and can't compromise in a sector that is not economically important?
The British Labor Party promised to destroy trade barriers with Europe, but set a red line that removes the return to the EU single market, tariff union or people's free movement.
The fourth EU official said it was a bit embarrassing to claim that things would stop when the British could not say exactly what they wanted to achieve. Defense transactions as the first positive signal are fine. But what is a positive signal about what?
The UK ambitions have been restricted to signing veterinarians to reduce border red tapes for animal and plant products, and signing veterinarian contracts to make it easier for artists traveling to the EU to recognize professional qualifications.
However, the UK recently signaled that it could move further within the red line to link the UK and the EUS carbon market and participate in the tariff agreement between the European Union and 20 countries. .
The EU has made it clear that the Youth Mobility Convention is essential for a wider reset with the UK so that Brussels can study and work in the UK in England, which is called the Youth Experience System.
Starmer repeatedly excluded such a deal, saying that it would contradict the Labors Electronics Declaration, which would not go back to the free movement of people at the end of BREXIT, but some British ministers are convinced that the landing zone will be found personally.
The British cabinet office said that the EU and the British pointed out the general security issues and would not provide commentary on the reset talks.
The spokesman added to reinforce the relationship with the European neighbors in violation of the relationship with the European neighbors, to strengthen the towork to strengthen cooperation in mutualbenefit areas such as security.
A French official added that Paris's position has long been able to cure some of the EU policy or regulation after BREXIT for a long time, and this position has been widely shared among member states.
Public officials cannot separate security and defense from the rest of the public, and the officials cited migration, energy, mobility and fishing as a problem that needs to be resolved before a security contract with the United Kingdom.
OLOF Gill, a spokesman for the European Commission, said:
LEILA Abbud's additional report
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