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West UK's new railway transactions have been released with 30 new stations and 1.5 billion Severn Crossing.

West UK's new railway transactions have been released with 30 new stations and 1.5 billion Severn Crossing.



As part of the newly released Western Gateway Rail Deal, the Severn river, 30 new stations and new railroad lines crossed the new 15 billion railways in the western United Kingdom.

The western and Wales, which were launched by Western Gateway Partnership and synthesized by Arup, compiled Arup, and how to change the railroad travel in detail about the main priority system of the investment separated into three stages of the future.

Western Gateway Partnership is a range of partnerships between South Wales and West England. From PEMBROKESHIRE's St Davids to Swindon. It is represented by the leaders of the council of the board of directors of the board of directors.

This Newrail DealDocument is based on a partnership vision for the future of the western railway, published in 2023.

3 -stage approach to improved railway network

The system included in the partnership includes the construction of 30 new train stations through six new Burns Stations between the first and two plans, especially the Cardiff and Severn Tunnel Junction.

Welsh Governments Roads Reviews are part of the plans to discard the M4 Reliper Road and provide transportation options.

As part of this plan, the South Wales Main Line Relief Track will be converted to passenger services, three new stations will be built between Cardiff Central and New Port, and three stations will be built between the New Port and the three tunnel intersections. no see.

Last year, Burns Delivery Board believed that the project could be 810m.

As part of the Western Gateway Rail Deal Stage, more needs include the completion of the new Cardiff Parkway Station, MetroWest 1 & 2 and Cardiff Crossrail Phase 1.

Western Gateway Railway Transaction 2 Stage

The company, which moved to the second stage of the partnership proposal, requested the electricity of 320 km of train lines in Bristol, Swanji and Oxford, and upgraded to the new direct service, Cardiff Central and Bristol Temple Mid Station to be built from this area.

In addition, I think the area will benefit from the number of capacity upgrades of network pinch points. This includes a problem from now on Westerleigh, Cheltenham, Global, Parson Street, Weston-Super-Mare and Cardiff West. The final request for passenger train travel for the second phase of this transaction includes the resumption of the Swansea District Line.

The last stage of the contract requires 140 km of rail electricity, including Exertrations to Bristol and Birmingham, Swanji, Swanji, Fembri and Burley Portline. Step 2.

New Severn Crossing

The large ticket item of the overall investment strategy is a new railway cross -plan of the river that believes that Partnership can exceed 15 billion.

The Severn Crossing proposal is outside the organization's three -point plan to improve the railway connection between West England and South Wales, but the intersection is confirmed as an important part of the train travel revolution in the region.

According to the partnership, the current tunnel is said to be the main capacity constraints of the area due to the high level of seawater inflow that burdens the drainage system and increases the required maintenance speed. According to the West Gateway Partnership, it is important to maintain the safety, capacity and line speed of this intersection, but it is impossible to do so for the next 100 years. Instead, I would like to start developing business cases of the new River Severn Crossing.

Western Gateway Partnership Document: Achievement [improved journey times and additional services] Using the current tunnel requires a big investment and can cause greater confusion than to potentially maintain its current performance.

Although the capacity and operation of the existing tunnel are being irradiated, providing additional rail intersection improves the capacity of the network.

But this would be an important infrastructure project nationwide with a time scale beyond three stages.

Nevertheless, it is important to start developing a pre -preventive approach to the improvement of the existing crossing, the provision of new intersections, or both.

Cost and benefits

Using the estimation of the available system and benchmarking for similar systems, the partnership is estimated to be 11 billion at the price of the proposal described in detail in the railroad transaction. If all the systems are completed by this large -scale investment, he added that railroad transactions may add 17 billion won to the region and the larger British economy.

You can see the Fullwestern Gateway Rail Deal document here.

Sarah Williams-Gardener said: Western Gateway Partnership Chairman said: the Western Gateway region is ready to be the fastest growing region outside London, but especially important investments in public transport infrastructure found in other areas. There was no. rail.

This railroad transaction is proportional to the special proposal that our economy suggests in the UK.

We know that we must have a clear strategic priority to be ready to convey the changes we need to.

This transaction shows that we are serious and shows the collective will of the industry, which is ready to convey local leaders, MPs, traffic institutions and local ambitions.

Huw Thomas, the leader of the Cardiff Council and Vice Chairman of the West Gateway Partnership, said:

We can clearly show that this railroad transaction has a vision and ambition to solve this situation immediately while demanding a relatively humble investment in the community.

Western Gateway was important for gaining the support necessary for presenting this deliverable plan for our regional railway services to unify our region.

The ID thanked the 28 local authorities who followed the plan and requested the British government to cooperate with us to provide the necessary scale.

Dan OKEY, head of the Great Western Railway (Great Western Railway) and Wales Development, said: “We have worked closely with Western Gateway Partners and their transportation agency partners for several years and welcome collective ambitions for investment. Connection plays an important role in supporting the local community and sustainable economic growth plans.

In the GWR, we believe that we look at the future, train and network of the service to make the railroad more comprehensive, accessible and more attractive to our customers.

This is the ultimate ambition presented in this railroad transaction, and I look forward to creating reality in cooperation with Western Gateway Partnership, Network Rail and the industry.

The TFW (Transport for Wales) Strategic Development Program Manager and Railroad Director David McColum said: this railroad trading matches the ongoing work and investment priority of the Wales Railroad Committee and shows the economic value of the border travel. , Education and leisure opportunities.

For example, investments in South Wales Relief Lines will unlock the development of the Burns Station and unlock the service and connection of the community of North Bristol and Gloucestershire. If the main line service for Swanji is electricized, Wales will help Wales to achieve the net goal.

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