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Which area in the UK is 'European Silicon Valley'?

Which area in the UK is 'European Silicon Valley'?



Rachel Rachel Reeves announced plans to create European Silicon Valley in major speeches about Oxford-Cambridge corridors.

Initiative aims to innovate and economic growth, promising to clarify regulatory disorders to ensure the success of the project. STARMER wrote in TIMES before her speech and criticized the red tape bushes spread through the British economy, which interferes with Japan's knots and investments.

On Wednesday, in Oxford Sher, Ribs said that the UK broadcasted and accepted the identity in a major economic speech that welcomed the project in the UKS economy by 2035 over the region between Oxford and Cambridge.

Rachel Reeves hopes to increase the economy with a growth plan. (Getty)

While the government plans promise significant economic advantages and infrastructure improvement, the Shadow Chancellor Mel Stride claims that the biggest barrier to growth is Starmer, Reeves and their financial plans.

But the government is banking in the project to convert the UK to the best technology hub, and Reeves expects to say: For too long, we accepted low expectations, accepted the identity, and accepted the danger of decrease. We can do much better.

Where are you?

This project is spans the corridor between Oxford and Cambridge, often called Oxford-Cambridge Arc. The area has been selected as a strategic position to accommodate two Oxford and Cambridge, the world's best universities, which are famous for their contribution to science, technology and innovation.

This area is also the home of existing technology companies such as Microsoft, Amazon and Astrazeneca. Reeves clearly stated that the potential of the region, which can be a silicon valley in Europe, is capable of attracting world -class talent, given the proximity to these educational powers.

Sugged Oxford-Cambridge Rail Link. (dad)

Oxford (pictured) is the core area of ​​the government's plan in Silicon Valley. (Getty)

Reeves predicted to speak. Oxford and Cambridge provide a great economic potential for the growth outlook of our country.

Only 66 miles away is the world's best university, and there are two of the world's most intensive innovation clusters, which are the herbs of the life sciences, manufacturing and AI of the world's famous science and technology companies.

It is likely to be the euro. Silicon Valley. Hometown of British innovation.

What is there?

New reservoirs and new train stations are one of the actions for the superintendent during the speech.

As part of the delivery of Reeves' Oxford-Cambridge Growth Corridor, she will raise the funds of East-West Rail, a long-awaited railway line that connects the city and a new train station in Tempsford. .

This project is set to connect Oxford, Milton Keynes and Cambridge with Tempsford's new East Coast Mainline Station. Road upgrades further enhance the connectivity, making the local travel more efficient.

Cambridge Shire's Tempsford will get a new station according to the plan.

In addition to transportation, urban development will be serious. In Cambridge, about 4,500 new houses are expected to provide houses for the expected inflow of workers and researchers. The water company will also invest for five years in the water infrastructure for five years, including the reservoir of Pence and Oxford Shire.

The government hopes to attract new laboratory and office space by attracting businesses in sectors such as life science, artificial intelligence and high -end manufacturing.

Topical reaction

After the superintendent's speech, Dr. Mairi Gibbs, the boss of the university's Oxford University Innovation, praised the plans of Oxford and Cambridge.

She said that the superintendents correctly emphasized the important role of innovation and scale up in leading the UK's economic growth.

Liz Leffman Countler, chairman of the Oxford County Council, welcomed the investment in East -West Railway, but warned of the need to modify the existing infrastructure. She told Yahoo News UK. In addition, urgent measures are needed to improve the electrical grid in order to fix the falling water and sewage systems and to flourish the area.

Leffman also stressed that there is a local concern about a new reservoir plan near Steventon. She added: we know that this is opposed by the majority of local residents and has questioned and closely investigated questions at many levels for a long time.

More houses will be built in Cambridge and Oxford to accommodate the influx of workers and operators. (Getty)

Wendy Blythe, chairman of the Cambridge Residents' Association, also warned of the depleted resources in the region that the new reservoir would not be fixed.

She spoke to Yahoo News UK: It is useless to lead the UKS plan for UKS growth and investment by relying on Cambridge until the water shortage of the Cambridge is resolved.

Currently, 99%of Cambridge Waters Supply comes from Challk Aquifers and other groundwater sources. The an aquarium is already depleted, and the local river and streams are drying.

There is a plan for the new Penland Reservoir, but it cannot be delivered before 2035 and will be vulnerable to floods due to sea level rise. And as the Cambridge Water emphasized, this new reservoir will not be enough to supply all planned growth.

Yahoo News UK contacted Cambridge County Council.

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