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Peter Mandelson is confirmed as a British ambassador after the sign off of Washington.

Peter Mandelson is confirmed as a British ambassador after the sign off of Washington.



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Sir Peter Mandelson says it will be confirmed as a British ambassador to Washington, and many people are used to this problem.

The United States, in principle, approved the appointment of a labor colleague, and he said he was in charge of his position.

Former government minister Mandelson added that he is expected to travel to Washington to take the post early next month.

Recently, he has received AGRMENT from the US government to serve as the best representative of UKS, which means that the diplomatic procedure is still in progress, but it will not be blocked by the Donald Trump administration.

When Trump threatens to impose tariffs on global imports, the good relationship between the two countries is important, especially for Europe for defense spending. The president praised Sir Keir Starmer that the British prime minister has recently done a very good work.

The diplomatic procedure was quickly started at the beginning of the new Trump administration and promptly proceeded to prioritize the general period of approval.

The recent precedent went in a different direction. The British government was approved by the British Ambassador to attend the Elizabeth Hartley Joe Bidens for the British Ambassador in the summer of 2022.

The White House did not immediately respond to the request. Downing Street refused to comment.

As an ambassador, Mandelson's Starmers Choice had no controversy in the Trump Circle and a wider republican party.

Trump's senior campaign advisor Chris Lacivita called the Secretary of Morning last month, and the British government replaced AMBO, which is a professional universal respected AMBO where the British government referred to DAME KAREN PIERCE, a British representative. I questioned why I was installing him to do it.

She was promoted as a whisper with a close -up leg, which she built with her team, and in July, she helped to promote the phone between the president and the starter following the assassination of Trump. We have promoted travel by. David Cameron in April.

Mandelson is still a UKS ambassador in Washington and will have stocks in a co -founder while acquiring a new post. For Chinese customers, such as Tiktok, COMPANYS will take new posts in spite of the Financial Times released earlier this month.

He is expected to sell his stake in global lawyers over time, but he did not set a deadline for the sale.

According to The Nightly, Australian News website, some unfortunate members of the Mandelsons were handed over to the FBI on Tuesday.

This document was edited by open source information from the Chinese Internet and was written by China's main alliance, a global parliamentary group in Beijing.

Mandelson will not only play an important role in protecting Britain from the British tariffs, but also deal with potential controversial issues, such as the proposed trading of the future of Chagos Islands, the hometown of the UK.

On the first phone of Monday night, the British Minister of Foreign Affairs David Lammy and Marco Rubio, US Secretary of State Marco Rubio, discussed the proposals between the British and Mauritus on the Indian Ocean Islands, despite the fact that the British Foreign Ministry or the US official read. I did it. The State Department said people are familiar with dialogue.

Rubio was critical of past transactions, but the British and the US government emphasized the importance of protecting the military foundation of Diego Garcia in the long run.




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