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The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Joly, meets Rubio while the American tariff threat is looming | Donald Trump News

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Joly, meets Rubio while the American tariff threat is looming | Donald Trump News



Canada working to prevent steep prices which, according to US President Donald Trump, could be imposed on February 1.

Canadian Foreign Minister Melanie Joly will meet her American counterpart Marco Rubio in Washington, DC, while Canada seeks to avoid the threat of steeped prices in the United States and a potential trade war between the two countries.

Joly is expected to meet with the US Secretary of State on Wednesday afternoon in the American capital.

His visit comes as the administration of American president Donald Trump threatened to slap 25% prices on all Canadian products entering the country on Saturday.

Our goal is to make sure we prevented [the tariffs] And we think we can do it, Joly told journalists in Ottawa earlier this week. We will continue to get involved with our different American counterparts.

The Canadian government has faced increasing pressures, including opposition legislators and business leaders, to do everything it can to avoid potentially paralyzing prices.

The United States and Canada are large business partners. According to Canadian government figures, countries exchanged $ 2.7 billion ($ 3.6 billion Canadian dollars) in goods and services daily through their common border in 2023.

Experts say that the two economies are said to be affected by American prices, as well as by Canada's reprisal measures.

But Trump threatens Canada and other countries with steep prices since he won the American presidential election in November.

Trump had warned that the prices against Canada would come into effect on its first day in power on January 20 if the country had not done more to stop irregular migration and drug trafficking across the border.

He then rejected the plan until February 1.

Would demand respect for other nations, said Trump in a video address last week at the top of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland last week. We have a huge deficit with Canada. Were not going to have them anymore. We cannot do it.

White House spokesperson Karoline Leavitt also said this week that the date of February 1 for Canada was still.

The president has committed to effectively implement the prices as he did during his first mandate, she told journalists on Tuesday.

Canada has not yet provided concrete details on the reprisals it plans to promulgate if the Trump administration imposed prices on Canadian goods.

No one wants to see us prices on Canadian products. But we will be ready with a strong national response if we need

Justin Trudeau (@justintrudeau) January 28, 2025

Radio-Canada public broadcaster reported earlier this month that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government had prepared a plan that would impose prices at 25.5 billion dollars (37 billion Canadian dollars) of American goods.

Ottawa is also ready to implement stricter measures that could cover up to $ 76 billion (110 billion Canadian dollars), Radio-Canada said.

Everything will be on the table, Jean Charest, a former Prime Minister of Quebec who sits in Trudeaus newly formed in Canada-US Relations, in a recent interview with CNN.

I doubt that you hear Canadian officials talk about what they intend to do until they really do it, which would manage this situation.

Charest also stressed the importance of Canadian energy exports to the United States.

The country is the largest foreign energy supplier in the USS: almost 60% of US imports of crude oil came from Canada in 2023, against 33% per decade earlier, according to the US Energy Information Administration Research Group.

Canada sent around 97% of its crude oil exports south of the border the same year. The vast majority of these supplies came from the province rich in Alberta's oil.

There are no things that said there was not going to cut it, said Charest. But there are other options on how we can manage energy to be able to assert our point of view. We wouldn't want to do this, but if we have to assert our point of view, we will.




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