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We move to suspend compensation funds for Vietnam alarms mines

We move to suspend compensation funds for Vietnam alarms mines



The Vietnam War ended half a century ago, but the American weapons of that time continue to kill people to date. Non -exploded bombs have been plotted by American troops are strewn on large bands of Vietnam and Cambodia and neighboring Laos. They killed tens of thousands of thousands and have many others since the end of the fighting.

People have been working to eliminate these bombs for decades, but experts say it can take 100 years to finish work. Parties of the region are also scattered with terrestrial mines placed during other conflicts. The United States is a large part of the cleaning effort and have made it possible to achieve more than $ 750 million in the past three decades to eliminate unploded ammunition in the three countries.

But this funding stopped.

On Saturday, the State Department said that it suspended its global mines for at least three months. He followed a Trump administration announcement of scanning breaks of American foreign aid. These movements will wave in many regions of the world where the United States help paying help in the event of a disaster, to help refugees as well as health and poverty-fighting programs. Even if the long -term effects of the financing break are not clear, some experts have warned of the deadly consequences, in particular in places scattered with terrestrial mines, cluster ammunition and other unploded bombs.

There is a good chance that people will die, said Bill Morse, who co -founded Cambodian Cambodian demining and the rescue fund of land mines. Someone will enter a mines field that should have been authorized this week, Boom.

In Vietnam, there was a perplexity. Tran Phu Cuong, director of a government agency responsible for managing international aid in Vietnam, stressed that the Vietnamese people still live with the persistent effects of the unjust war. These include unploded bombs and the lasting effects of the Orange agent, the chemical toxin that Americans sprayed during the war which was linked to cancers and congenital malformations.

The American government and the American people are responsible for responding to the consequences of the war, said Cuong.

Millions of land acres in Vietnam nearly a fifth of the country remained contaminated in 2023.

Ho Van Lai was 10 years old when he came across a cluster bomb in the province of Vietnam Quang in 2000 while he played with his cousins. He picked up the small round objects, which exploded immediately, killing his two cousins. He lost both legs under his knee, an arm under his elbow and the sight of an eye.

Mr. Lai, 34, who teaches schoolchildren to identify and avoid unplodced bombs, said that it was very sad to learn that the Trump administration reduced funding.

American support for mines compensation efforts in Vietnam has given the United States a good image, said Mr. Lai.

In Cambodia, Sok Eysan, spokesperson for the party of Cambodian peoples in power, said that it was the prerogative of American presidents to cut these funds, but added: who created the wars that left these countries with mines terrestrial? Everyone knows.

On January 16, POV Nepin, 36, suppressed the mines of Cambodia Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority, a government agency, in the province of Oddar Meanchey, in northwestern Cambodia, when an anti-tank mine killed. He had authorized hundreds of mines since 2021, inspired by his father, who was a doctor helping people who had been injured by the mines, according to Pov Davann, 29, a brother of Mr. Pov Nepin.

This is very sad news for all Cambodians to hear about the financing cup, said Pov Davann. There are still a lot of terrestrial mines in Cambodia that we must erase for farmers.

In recent years, China has intensified its efforts to help the countries of Southeast Asia clean their mines. Mr. Morse, the co-founder of the DEMINING organization in Cambodia, warned that Trump's decision of the administrations will encourage Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos to turn more to Beijing.

Since the end of the war, 40,000 people in Vietnam have been killed by unplodced bombs and 60,000 others injured. The number of deaths in Cambodia exceeds 65,000.

The American agency for international development, or USAID, has helped provide treatment to people mutilated by these weapons. But most of the global funding for the compensation for the United States mines comes from the programs of the State Department.

In recent decades, the Laos's little country without coastline has been one of the best beneficiaries of money to destroy conventional weapons. The bombing campaign launched by the United States has made Laos the country per capita the most heavily bombed.

More than 22,000 people were killed by unploded bombs from that time.

In Laos, officials said the country needed $ 50 million a year for continuous authorization for land mines and unploded war. The government contributes $ 15 million and relies on Japan’s international assistance, the United States and the United Nations Development Program.

Will be Koulabdara, director general of Legacies of War, a defense group of the United States for Global Deminging, said that she was going to lobby in Washington to reconsider the decision.

This suspension of help does not send a good message to the parts of the world that really depend on us, said Ms. Koulabdara, who fled Laos for the United States at the age of 6. The congress must really reconsider this decision and keep our current administration responsible.

Sun Narin contributed the reports of Phnom Penh.




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