The main job cuts in the American history of the IBM in BoeingBeFore The buyout offer it on

President Donald Trump has made buy -offs to more than 2 million government employees in two thirds of federal efforts to reduce the United States and reduce federal spending likely to cause the greatest reduction in jobs in the American story.
President Donald Trump pumps his fist to journalists on the southern lawn of the White House on January 27, … [+] 2025.
Getty key facts key facts
The number of employees has received exactly the offer, which would allow people to collect their salary for about eight months if they leave their job by February 6, is not clear, but an advisor to the ministry of Government’s efficiency said it was sent to more than 2 million people.
The offer applies to all federal workers, with the exception of certain soldiers, postal and certain national security staff (the government employed more than 3 million people in November of last year, without count military staff in active service).
If even 10% of employees accept the offer, more than 200,000 people could be without work in a rapid motion in the greatest reduction in employment by an American employer in American history.
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The biggest corporate job cuts in the history of the United States IBM: currently, the record of all time for the greatest abolition of corporate employment belongs to the technological company IBM, which dismissed 60 000 people in 1993, the same year, she posted a loss of $ 8 billion. Sears: Sears, Roebuck & Co. reduced 50,000 jobs and closed 113 stores in 1993. Citigroup reduced 50,000 jobs in the 2008 financial crisis. General Motors closed five factories and reduced 47,000 jobs in 2009 , also during the great recession. AT&T dismissed 40,000 people, around 14% of its staff in 1996. Kmart in 2003 announced that it would close 326 stores and reduced 35,000 jobs (one year after deleting 22,000 jobs in 2002), Ford dismissed 35 000 people in 2002 (and announced 30,000 other job cuts in 2006). City Circuit: The chain of electronics for the general public closed 567 stores and dismissed 34,000 jobs after declaring bankruptcy in 2009. Boeing: following September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Boeing has ax 31,000 jobs, or 15% of its workforce (((three years earlier, the aerospace giant had a mass layout of 28,000 jobs). The largest jobs of the US government
The American government is not foreign to the mass cups either, but not on the scale proposed by Tromphe Us Army eliminated 50,000 jobs in 2011, the Air Force reduced 40,000 in 2005 and the American postal service reduced 30,000 jobs each year in 2002, 2009 and 2010.
The concept of mass dismissals in large companies is relatively new and practice has not become commonplace before the 1970s, when such a decision was still perceived as a sign of a serious distress company. Even if they increased in frequency in the 1980s and 1990s, managers who commanded layoffs were described as “business killers” and received nicknames to highlight their ruthlessness (the former chief of Ge Jack Welch, for example, won the name “Neutron Jack” after promoting his his practice of the company aimed at dismissing 10% of the employees classified by a lower). In the mid -1990s, almost half of the largest American companies announced layoffs and reductions in the reduction in staff had become a routine management practice.
Large number
58%. It is how many fortune companies 100 announced layoffs in 2023, according to Bloomberg, against 45% in 1994 and 5% in 1979.
Trump has pushed to reduce the size of the federal government, creating a new ministry for government efficiency (with billionaire Elon Musk at the helm) to supervise the expenses. During his first day of mandate, he published several decrees for federal employees, in particular those who end the work agreements and forcing employees to return to full -time work, by instituting a job freeze and in Restoring a policy that facilitates the fierce task of federal workers in normally apolitical jobs. Tuesday, more than 2 million employees received an email encouraging them to resign from their work, warning all the federal employees that they would soon be subject to improved standards for adequacy and driving and warning to reduce reduction future workforce. The email said that employees who choose to resign will be exempt from the requirements to return to the office and should not largely operate before September 30. The X account for DOGE said that the offer was an opportunity to take the holidays you have always wanted, or just watch films and relax, while receiving your total salary and benefits. Trump senior officials said the plan could allow the government to do up to $ 100 billion.
Main criticisms
Democratic legislators have warned that the reduction in staffing is a threat to the government provided by the government and has warned federal employees not to trust the current administration. This decision, combined with Trumps on Tuesday to block the dispersion of federal loans and subsidies that were revoked thereafter, also raised questions if Trump has the power to reduce the expenses unilaterally adopted by the Congress. A 50 -year law exists which prevents presidents from refusing to spend money that Congress appropriated, but Trump promised to restore power to the executive office. Senator Tim Kaine, D-VA., Advised the workers not to take the acquisitions, warning that Trump could raid you “and not follow the promise of eight months of pay. The representative Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, Called the buyout offers “fake” and said that Trump will replace employees with “unqualified and inexperienced loyalists the second they leave”.
Crucial quote
“He has no authority to do so,” said Kaine about Trump. Don't be fooled by this type. “
The federal government is the largest employer in the United States.
Reading Readbestrump offers redemptions to federal workers who resign by February 6 by Antonio Pequeo IVForbestrump Administration cancels Grant Freeze Memohere all that we know Sara Dornforbesstates and non -profit Souding Trump on the catastrophic break in federal funding: Immediately Alison Durkee Durkee Durkee Durkee Catasthi
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