US Navy members prohibit the use of the deep AI of China of security fears

The American navy has officially prohibited its members from using Deepseek an artificial intelligence chatbot created in China for fear that the Chinese government can exploit sensitive data, according to a report.
In an e-mail to members of the military branch, the navy prohibited the use of depth AI for any reason whatsoever for fear of potential security and ethical concerns associated with origin and use Models, CNBC reported.
Deepseek of Chinese manufacturing is considered a more recent and more recent AI option that seeks to move the Chatppt of its place like the most recognizable IA chatbot. AFP via Getty Images
Deepseek immediately turned to the top of the Apples App Store charts and Googles Play Store during download more than 2 million times since he made his debut on January 15, most of the downloads to come in the last three days.
Experts have raised concerns about the application storing user data as detailed as the keys in China where they can be accessible by hands hostile to American citizens.
What distinguishes this context is that Deepseek is a Chinese company based in China, Angela Zhang, professor of law at the University of South California, told post, comparing Deepseek to the other China Tech Problem-Child , Tiktok.
This raises the question of whether data collection such as IP addresses and typing models could represent a national security threat, Zhang said.
All companies based in China are forced by the Chinese laws of cybersecurity of communist parties to share data with the government on request.
All companies in China are held by law to share data with the country's communist government. Reuters
The American markets were shaken by the announcement of the country that they had developed an advanced program at a fraction of the cost that took Openai Western Rival to produce Chatgpt.
Lian Wenfeng, the founder of Millennial Math Whiz de Deepseek, would have designed the AI program in a few months and spent only $ 6 million to make it a reality.
Deepseek would have been developed for only $ 6 million, a fraction of the cost he took Western companies to create their programs. Reuters
The application struck the market only a few days after President Trump announced an AI initiative of $ 500 billion called Stargate.
The main actions of American technology lost 1 billion of dollars of market value on Monday a loss of 17% at all levels on the Dow Jones while hysteria has reached a fever on the implications of the allegedly of the IA changing the situation.
Billionaire technology entrepreneur Marc Andreessen compared Deepseek to artificial intelligence equivalent to Sputnik The Russian space ship beaten the United States in 1957 to become the first artificial ship to Orbit the Earth.
The American navy is the first military branch to prohibit the new controversial application. Christopher Sadowski
But Trump seemed less threatened by the new development of the East, which reduces concerns at a press conference on Monday.
I have read on China and some companies in China, one in particular from a faster AI method and a much cheaper method, Trump said in an address to the Republicans in Florida.
And that's good because you don't have to spend so much money. I consider it as a positive asset. So I really think that if this fact, and if it is true, and no one really knows what it is, but I consider it positive, because you will do it too, said Trump.
So, you will not spend as much, and you will get the same result, let's hope, said Trump, adding that he was thinking that the new company would be alarm clock for US IA companies.
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