Immigration Crisis: The Labor Party opens the door for illegal immigrants to get British citizenship.

The Labor Party's new border security bill has been “insulted by the British” after the party said it would abolish numerous rules of Tori on illegal immigrants.
As part of this bill, which was announced earlier this week, some of the illegal migration law 2023 could not obtain British citizenship and adults if the “asylum applicant” did not receive age test.
The Labor Party's legislation was welcomed by the crackdown on the anti -terrorist style by the party. But Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp warned that “dangerous young people will be deployed with teenage girls.”
Philp told Telegraph. “[It] Make England a soft touch of Europe. Starmer is a weak prime minister.
The Labor Party's bill was welcomed by the crackdown on the party's terrorist style.
“He is weak on the border and is weak when protecting borders, children and people.
“I will fight my teeth and nails against this craben's surrender against illegal immigrants and people's graves when the bill comes to parliament.”
Children are much more likely to be given refugee status in the UK. As a result, thousands of immigrants lie about their age to attempt asylum in this country.
The current arrival of small boats is evaluated by two home office staff who judge “physical appearance and attitude.”
But to classify a person who claims to be an adult, it requires a “very powerful” proposal called “18 years of age or older.”
All other major European countries, including France and Germany, use medical examinations to determine the age of young asylum applicants.
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Chris Philp will fight teeth and nails against the surrender of this craving for the tombs of illegal immigrants and people. 'Chris Philp said.
The Labor Party promised to maintain some authority due to the law in 2023 and has a legislative department that can introduce more powerful sanctions if necessary.
However, the abolition caused anger from the migrant high -tier Russian Suella Braverman and Rupert Lowe. The former said that labor is “non -criminalizing illegal migration.”
Under Tories, almost everyone who illegally entered the country turned out to be inadequate for “settlement” and final citizenship.
And now, Braverman said the bill was “eliminated and shame all the security and provisions we have prepared to keep the UK safely.”
“It's bluntly, it is insulting for the British. It is embarrassed to open our borders and allow illegal immigrants to be citizens … illegally entered the United Kingdom.
Lowe said: “Our asylum system is already as soft as the maggots. We need zero tolerance.
'Our asylum system is already as soft as a boiled maggot. Rupert Lowe said
“It is clear that thousands of men are deceiving incompetent home offices through age, sex, and religion.
“Immigrants often have been implemented on the official policy regularly.”
Home Office spokesman said, “New border security, asylum and immigration bills are operating efforts to strengthen boundaries and border security, and executable measures to strengthen upstream work with international partners and guarantee the correct and safe immigration systems correctly. Introduction.
“The illegal migration law has not begun much (including this measure for this age evaluation), and it does not focus on providing a long -term and reliable policy that restores order to the exile system according to the government's policy.
“We have a strong process to identify and evaluate the individual's age of suspicious individuals, including the National Age Assessment Board, and maintained the scientific assistance of nationality and border 2022.”
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