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The Labor Party's MP Israel's delegation of the British parliamentary delegation criticized the secret shooting

The Labor Party's MP Israel's delegation of the British parliamentary delegation criticized the secret shooting



The high -ranking Labor Party MPs condemned the secret filming of the British delegation of the British delegation by the Foreign Minister of Israel online online.

Emily Sonberry, chairman of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Committee, requested the British government to intervene with the British government after the video was posted on Instagram without the knowledge or consent of the Israeli Minister Sharen Haskel.

Thornberry asked Hamish Falconer Middle East as follows when discussing a recent trip to Israel with the Foreign Affairs Committee. Will the minister expect the delegation to visit the video without knowledge or consent?

The arm corner replied. I think it is very rare.

Thornberry said:

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Pal Connor said: I am not used to the details, but if someone visits the House of Representatives, we want to show them courtesy.

Thornberry replied: Can the Foreign Minister of Israel who can send a video in the UK will raise opinions on her evidence or her personal meetings?

The opposite was just happening to us, so our video was posted in Instagram at the KNESSET meeting.

We certainly understand that it is a video and of course it will never happen, and I have just learned about it, and I have to say that the cross may be underestimated.

In the 60 -second clip, which was still online based on 18:00 GMT on Tuesday, HASKEL, which was noticeably angry, asked Thornberry to visit the West Bank when the election was held tomorrow.

HASKEL barely hindered the chaotic handberry for 20 seconds to provide a response. The fact is that there is no election because Hamas will control.

If we agree with the two weeks, the Palestinian authorities will control the Gaza. The fact is to ask Hamas to return it.

Then the video jumped at the angle of the other HASKEL she said. If people come and tell us that we need to do a two -country solution, we mean that we give Hamas again control. And it will not accept it.

The Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu repeatedly rejected the demand for Palestinian sovereignty, and in July, the Israeli Parliament passed a resolution that overwhelmed the establishment of the Palestinian state in the defense of the Oslo Agreement.

The agreement, signed between 1993 and 1995 between Israel and Palestinity, will lead to an independent Palestinian state by establishing a temporary autonomous organization Palestinian authorities (PA).

But this agreement included a provision that created a new challenge to the Palestinians, such as confiscating more than 60 % of the West Bank under the control of Israel.

Since then, Israel has maintained overall control of the occupied Westbank and imposed a complete blockade of Gaza when Hamas took power through legislative elections in 2007.

Israel has a risk of violating international law

On Monday, the United Kingdom warned that violations of international law were in danger, calling for Israel to restore Gaszas electricity.

The opinion announced that Israel announced that it had blocked the Gasas electricity supply late on Sunday, and then blocked the Gaszas electricity a week after the humanitarian supplies were delivered to the territory.

The prime minister said that Downing Street is deeply concerned that Israel has urged Israel to block Gazas electricity and urge Israel to overturn the decision.

The spokesman said, “Our position should not be used as a humanitarian aid depends on the ceasefire or as a political tool.”

When he asked whether it violated international law, this was a matter of the international court. However, the discontinuance of products and supplies entering the Gaza, including basic demands such as electricity and the risk of violation of Israel's obligations under the International Humanitarian Law.

The aid and the suspension of electricity for the Gaza were stalled after Israel's negotiations of Israel and Hamas refused to enter the second stage of the contract for talks to revive the ceasefire agreement on Tuesday.

Hamas said on Monday that Israel rejected the withdrawal of the army from the border between Gaza and Egypt, known as the Philadelphi corridor, and could not reach the agreement by preventing external aids from reaching Gaza.




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