Ge Aerospace to invest nearly $ 1 billion in American manufacturing in 2025

Investment in American factories, the double supply chain compared to last year, with plans to hire 5,000 American workers
Extensions, new inspection technologies and construction improvements planned in more than two dozen communities
Cincinnati March 12, 2025 Ge Aerospace plans to invest nearly $ 1 billion in its American factories and its supply chain to strengthen manufacturing and increase the use of new innovative parts and materials necessary for the future of flight. This new investment is almost a double commitment of recent years and will help increase the security, quality and delivery of engines, benefiting more than two dozen communities in 16 states. The company also announced that it would hire around 5,000 American workers this year, including manufacturing and engineering roles.
“Investing in manufacturing and innovation is more critical than ever for the future of our industry and the communities in which we operate,” said H. Lawrence Culp, Jr., president and chief executive officer of Ge Aerospace. “We are committed to helping our customers to modernize and extend their fleets while expanding technologies that will really define the future of theft. Together, this will keep the United States at the forefront of the aerospace management.”
Here are some examples of how investments will be allocated with the remaining funds that should be deployed according to needs. See an interactive map of some of the initial planned investments announced today.
$ 500 million to increase the capacity to strengthen the quality and delivery Ge Aerospace increases its capacity and widens several key sites, in particular those which support the production and assembly of the CFM * Leap CFM * engine, where deliveries should increase by 15 to 20% this year. These investments, combined with the lean operating model owner of Ge Aerospace, the cockpit, improve safety, quality, delivery and cycle times. Some of these investments include:
$ 113 million in Greater Cincinnati: improvements in installations and additional equipment for several sites in the region that produce, test and assemble many commercial and military engines of the company. $ 70 million in Muskegon, Michigan: breaking the ground for expansion to produce parts for the hot engine section. $ 16 million in Durham, North Carolina, and $ 5 million in Lauf. Leap. $ 13 million in West Jefferson, North Carolina: expanding the building to increase the production of key engine parts. Investment of $ 200 million in the production of military engines: the company invested in sites, including Lynn, Massachusetts and Madisonville, Kentucky, to prepare for new T901 Black Hawk and Apache Hawk military engines and continue to produce other military engines.
100 million dollars to set up innovative materials and parts Innovative business investments also evolve from the production of innovative parts made from new materials and advanced manufacturing processes that offer more reach, power and efficiency engines. This includes additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, which reduces the number of parts, increased energy efficiency and sustainability while providing greater design freedom as well as ceramic matrix composites (CMC). CMCs are a third of the weight of traditional materials but can operate up to 500 degrees warmer, which means greater power and greater durability for engines. Among the investments to further evolve these technologies include:
$ 51 million in Auburn, Alabama: additional 3D printers, existing equipment and tool improvements to increase capacity and guarantee quality. 14 million dollars in West Chester, Ohio: additional 3D printer, industrial furnace and improvements to an installation to increase capacity. To produce composite engine parts with ceramic matrix, new inspection equipment and advanced machines that can shape metal parts to specific specifications. $ 11 million in Batesville, Mississippi: industrial oven, precision measurement tools, high precision machines and inspection technology to maintain quality.
100 million dollars for the external supplier base Investment of almost $ 1 billion includes $ 100 million dedicated to the basis of external suppliers of the company, offering investments to ensure that suppliers use new tools to produce parts, further reducing the defects and constraints of the supply chain.
Today, the hiring of new ones is based on more than 900 engineers and 1,000 new manufacturing workers Ge Aerospace hired last year, and $ 2.3 million in donations from Ge Aerospace and its foundation to more than a dozen communities to support the training of skills in the development of the workforce.
The engines manufactured by GE Aerospace and its joint venture partners fuel three out of four commercial flights around the world and two of the three military combat aircraft and American helicopters.
* CFM LEAP engines are manufactured by CFM International, a 50-50 joint company between ge aerospace and saffron engines.
About Ge Aerospace Ge Aerospace is a world -class propulsion, services and systems with an installed base of around 45,000 commercial engines and 25,000 military aircraft. With a global team of around 53,000 employees based on more than a century of innovation and learning, Ge Aerospace is committed to inventing the future of theft, raising people and bringing them home safely. Find out more about how Ge Aerospace and its partners define Flight for today, tomorrow and the future
Media contactmatthew lehmermatthew.lehner@geaerospace.com202-841-8485
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