American weapons take place again to Ukraine while the Kremlin cease-fire proposal

Kyiv, Ukraine US Arms Libtries in Ukraine, resumed on Wednesday, officials said, one day after the Trump administration has raised its suspension of military aid to kyiv in its fight against the invasion of Russia, and the officials waited for Kremlins' response to a 30-day ceasefire approved by Ukraine.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said it was important not to get ahead of the answer to the ceasefire, which was proposed by Washington. He told journalists that Moscow awaited detailed information from the United States and suggested that Russia should get it before he could take a stand. The Kremlin previously opposed a permanent end of the conflict and did not accept any concessions.
US President Donald Trump wants to end the three -year war and put pressure on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to participate in talks. The suspension of American aid occurred a few days after Zelenskyy and Trump argued about the conflict at a tense white house meeting. The decision of the administrations to resume military aid after talks on Tuesday with senior Ukrainian officials in Saudi Arabia marked a net change in its position.
Trump said, it is Russia now, while his administration pushes Moscow to accept the ceasefire.
And I hope that we can get a ceasefire from Russia, Trump said in an prolonged exchange with journalists on Wednesday at an oval office meeting with Michel Martin, the Prime Minister of Ireland. And if we do it, I think it would be 80% of the end of this horrible bloodbath.
The American president again made veiled threats to strike Russia with new sanctions.
We can, but I hope it will not be necessary, said Trump.
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio, who led the American delegation to Saudi Arabia, where Ukraine has agreed to the proposal for a US cease-fire, said Washington will continue several points of contact with Russia to see if President Vladimir Putin is ready to negotiate the end of the war. He refused to give details or say what measures could be taken if Putin refuses to commit.
The United States hoped to see Russia arrest attacks on Ukraine in the coming days in the first stage, Rubio said during a refueling stop in Shannon, Ireland, on the way to discussions in Canada with another group of seven first-rate industrialized nations.
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt told Fox News that national security advisor Mike Waltz spoke with her Russian counterpart on Wednesday.
She also confirmed that Trumps Special Enven, Steve Witkoff, will go to Moscow for interviews with Russian officials. She did not say with who Witkoff was planning to meet. A person familiar with the case said Witkoff should meet Putin later his week. The person was not allowed to comment on publicly and spoke of the state of anonymity.
Ukraine says the ceasefire would allow time to plan the end of the war
Zelenskyy said that the 30-day ceasefire would allow teams to fully prepare a step-by-step plan to end the war, including security guarantees for Ukraine.
Technical questions about how to effectively monitor a truce along the front line of around 600 miles, where small but deadly are common, are very important, journalists in kyiv told Zelenskyy on Wednesday.
The deliveries of arms to Ukraine have already resumed by a Polish logistics center, the foreign ministers of Ukraine and Poland announced on Wednesday. Deliveries go through a NATO and United States hub in the eastern Polish city of Rzeszow which was used to carry Western weapons in neighboring Ukraine about 45 miles.
American military aid is vital for Ukraines in digital disadvantage and tiring the army, which has trouble keeping Russia at a distance from Russia at a distance. For Russia, American aid potentially spends more difficulty achieving war objectives, and this could make Washingtons peace efforts a more difficult sale in Moscow.
The US government has also restored access to Ukraines to non-classified commercial satellite satellite images provided by Maxar Technologies through a Washington Runs program, Maxar spokesman Tomi Mixed told the Associated Press. Images help Ukraine plan to plan attacks, assess their success and monitor Russian movements.
In other developments, officials admitted on Wednesday that Kyiv no longer had army tactical missiles in the longer term, or atacms, missiles.
According to an American official and a Ukrainian legislator within the defense committee of the countries, Ukraine is short of the Atacms. Officials spoke on condition of anonymity to provide details of military weapons.
The American official said that the United States had provided less than 40 of these missiles overall and that Ukraine was missing at the end of January. The senior American defense officials, including the previous Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin, had clearly indicated that only a limited number of atacms would be delivered and that the American and NATO allies considered other weapons as more precious in the fight.
Russia intensifies efforts to regain control of the Kursk region
Developments have come in the middle of the intensification of Russian efforts to push Ukrainian forces outside the Kremlins Kursk region who have given breakthroughs in recent days, Ukrainian soldiers said. The fighting intensified while the cease-fire talks come to the head, with Moscow determined to resume its territory and kyiv determined to keep it as a negotiation currency in all negotiations.
The Ukrainian forces made a daring raid in the Russian region last August in the first foreign occupation of the Russian territory since the Second World War. They maintained themselves despite an intense pressure of tens of thousands of Russian and North Korean troops.
Recent fighting would have focused on the city of Southzha Kursk, which is a Ukrainian supply center and an operational base. Ukrainian soldiers said the situation was dynamic and that the fighting continues in and around the city, but three of them conceded that the Russian forces were progressing.
Russian press agencies Ria Novosti and Tass reported on Wednesday that the Russian army had entered Sudzha. It was not possible to verify independently the complaints of both parties.
In Ukraine, Russian ballistic missiles killed at least five civilians, officials announced on Wednesday.
Russian officials are wary of Ukraine American talks
Russian legislators have reported mistrust of the prospect of a ceasefire.
Russia advances [on the battlefield]So it will be different with Russia, the Russian senator Senior Konstantin Kosachev noted in an article on the Telegram messaging application.
All agreements [with the understanding of the need for compromise] Should be according to our conditions, not American, wrote Kosachev.
The legislator Mikhail Sheremet told the press agency of the TASS State that Russia was not interested in continuing the war, but at the same time, Moscow will not tolerate to be suspended.
The result of Saudi Arabia talks about Washington's fine to persuade Moscow to accept and implement the ceasefire, said John Hardie, Defense Analyst and Deputy Director of the Russian Program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, a research institute based in Washington.
Moscow will present himself as a cooperative, but could put pressure on an agreement on the basic principles for a final peace agreement before accepting a cease-fire, he said.
Russia could also insist on prohibiting Western military aid in Ukraine during the ceasefire and on Ukraine organizing elections before a long-term peace agreement.
Russias Foreign Intelligence Service, known as SVR, reported on Wednesday that Sergei Jarkinkin, said on Tuesday by phone with CIA director John Ratcliffe.
The two discussed cooperation in the fields of common interest and the resolution of crisis situations, according to a press release from the SVR.
The writers of the associated press Aamer Madhani and Lolita Baldor in Washington, Stefanie Dazio in Berlin, Sylvie Corbet in Paris and Jon Gambrell in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, contributed to this report.
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