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PPI: The wholesale inflation of the United States has slowed considerably in February

PPI: The wholesale inflation of the United States has slowed considerably in February




The Americans have just reassured that inflation slowed down and did not reset last month.

The price index of producers, a wholesale inflation gauge which is closely monitored for the impacts linked to the prices, showed that the price increases slowed considerably in February.

The PPI index was unchanged compared to January and increased by 3.2% for the 12 months finished in February, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics published Thursday. This marked a net slowdown compared to January, when prices increased by 0.6% and 3.7% for the respective periods.

Economists expected inflation to large in the middle of the price drop prices, and it was: energy prices dropped by 1.2% for the month.

Excluding food and energy, the categories that tend to be volatile, the basic PPI dropped by 0.1% compared to January (when it increased sharply by 0.6%), which increased the annual increase to 3.4%, down compared to a rate of 3.8% the previous month.

After warmer readings in December and January, the prices of stable producers for February should provide certain insurance that inflation no longer takes off, Ben Ayers, principal economist at Nationwide, wrote in comments published on Thursday. But one month does not tend, and the upward pressure for the costs of goods (even excluding the disproportionate increase in eggs) is a warning panel that the prices imposed could increase prices in the coming months.

The last consumer price index, published on Wednesday, has shown that annual inflation has slowed down for the first time in five months.

PPI, which measures the average variation of prices paid to producers of goods and services, serves as potential ringtone for inflation in retail in the coming months. This index is also examined to glean an overview of the initial impacts of President Donald Trumps sweeping the new and proposed prices.

The prices of wholesale goods increased by 0.3% for the month, an increase which was largely fed by a high inflation of eggs but compensated by the drop in energy prices. The inflation of eggs slows down the level of large, but the prices remain significantly higher than last year, because a fatal avian flu devastated the herds and the impacted offer.

The egg index for fresh use increased by 28.1% on a monthly basis, slowing 44% in January. On an annual basis, the category increased by 136.6%.

Excluding food and energy, final demand goods increased by 0.4%.

The quickest increase since January 2023, probably while the pricing effects began to take place in the entry costs for the producers, noted Ayers. With steel prices, aluminum and certain products from Mexico and Canada adopted in March, the goods category could soon jump higher.

The increase in good wholesale prices could not only reflect the direct impact of prices, but also producers increasing prices in anticipation of the repercussions of the trade war, said Elizabeth Renter, principal economist of Nerdwallets.

Companies, like consumers, do not necessarily expect a direct impact before acting, she wrote Thursday. For example, if the fairly confident prices of televisions will increase in the coming months, you could upgrade now rather than waiting. Likewise, companies can increase stocks and wholesalers can increase prices, all in order to beat the real changes in punch.

She added: In this way, prices and other inflationary policies can shape the economy even before they are implemented.

The PPI Thursdays, like CPI before him, is another series of data reflecting calm before the storm, said Joe Brusuelas, director and chief economist of US RSM, told CNN in an interview.

We know it will have passed, he said higher prices paid by importers. We know that it will arise, but it will be a phenomenon of several months, and February was not the month that it was going to happen.




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