34% reduction to the UK food and beverage export EU after BREXIT | Food and beverage industry

After BREXIT, the British food and beverage exports have fallen more than a third since BREXIT, emphasizing how the British and the most important trade partners have changed.
Products, including whiskey, chocolate and cheese, are popular among EU customers, but the total food exports to blocks in 2024 have been 34% less than in 2019.
The decline in exports after the British trade union in January 2020 could be due to global events, including the Kobid epidemic and the Ukrainian war, but FDFS's latest trade snapshots have increased their exports since 2020, including the Netherlands, Germany and Italy.
When the UK farmers warned that a series of pressure, including the cash flow crisis, the planned tax change, the bad weather, and the cost, the total food and beverage imports for the UK rose to the highest level last year.
EU imports rose 3.3% year -on -year and increased 7.4% of EU Non -EU countries, and in 2024, the value of food and beverage imports was $ 63.3 billion.
The EU remains the most important trading partner in the food and beverage sectors, and in 2024, it accounts for almost 2 -thirds (61.8%) of almost 45 billion exports and 3/4 (75.6%) of imports.
Despite the introduction of a new border inspection on the arrival of animal and plant products in the EU in April 2024, the import of EU rose.
The FDF said that the imports of food and beverages entered in the UK still have less checks than exporting equal products than UK companies. UKS small and medium -sized exporters have shown that it is particularly difficult to meet more stricter import requirements than EUS.
The FDF requires the government to work with the food and beverage industry to take a strategic approach to trade relations with the EU and to solve unnecessary barriers to trade with Europe.
This latest figure shows the reality of the UKS 12,500 foods and beverage businesses that are struggling to deal with the complexity and bureaucracy that comes when dealing with Europe.
The government must prioritize cooperation with the EU and the industry to eliminate as much barriers as possible.
As the UK began to see the benefits of the Free Trade Agreement, the FDF's exports to food increased almost 6% in 2024 compared to the previous year. In the first year after the British-Australian trade contract came into effect, the UK export value for Australia increased by 9% in 2024 to 429.5m.
Ireland and France remain the largest individual export market in UKS, but the United States took third place last year as classical British products such as TEA and Biscuits became popular.
The FDF hopes to prevent the future of the British -US trade transactions from the future tariffs to prevent the food and beverage sector disappear. Donald Trump threatened 200%of the tariffs on wine and champagne in EU countries due to the recent escalation threat in the World Trade War, which US President began Thursday.
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