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Google Recommendations for the American Action Plan of AI

Google Recommendations for the American Action Plan of AI



AI is not only a scientific breakthrough, it is a breakthrough in the way we make breakthroughs.

Already saw how AI can revolutionize health care, accelerate scientific discovery and transform our economy for the best.

But now it's up to us to seize the opportunity. And to do this, a good need for good political frameworks to guarantee the position of the Americas as the power of AI and support a new era of opportunity.

We share some ideas on this front in our response to the request for information on the science and technology office.

Our answer recommends focus on three key areas: invest in AI. Federal and local governments should work together on political reforms to meet increasing energy needs, an essential element in the enlargement of AI infrastructure. We also need export controls that protect our national security and allow America to export and provide AI services to foreign markets. American scientists need to access IT resources for research, which means forging new advanced partnerships with national laboratories. And the federal government should adopt political frameworks that preserve access to data for fair learning, to advance an approach based on the risks of AI applications based on existing regulations and pre -empt a chaotic patchwork of rules at the level of the State on the development of the AI ​​of the border. Accelerate and modernize the adoption of the AI ​​government. The government should show an example of the adoption and deployment of AI. Ideas include the implementation of multi-candor and interoperable solutions and the rationalization of supply procedures for AI and other emerging technologies. International pro-innovation promote. The federal government should defend technical standards focused on the market and largely adopted by relying on the leading trade departments with the International Organization of Standards and other standard organizations. By working with partners in industry and aligned countries, we must also develop protocols and references around the potential risks of border AI systems. Finally, the administration can support the management of the American AI by fighting the foreign restrictive barriers of AI.

As vice-president Vance said it earlier this year in Paris, we are now our chance to catch lightning in a bottle. AI gives us the opportunity to improve people's lives wherever we are responsible for not letting this opportunity slip through our fingers.

Make no mistake: political decisions will shape the result of the current world AI competition. A pro-innovation approach that protects national security and allows generalized advantages will help us to carry out a potential transformer of the AIS and to ensure that the Americas persist. Google is committed to doing its part, in particular by working with the federal government to ensure the success of the AI ​​action plan.




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