These frustrated scientists want to leave the United States, right? Take Natural Survey

In the United States, some scientists have told the nature that they planned to leave the country following a general interruption of research by the American president Donald Trump. Researchers say they are looking for opportunities in Europe, Australia and Asia.
Since Trump took office in January, his administration reduced thousands of jobs in the main public health and science agencies, funding for frozen biomedical research, has reduced money to cover research costs and dismiss subsidies that do not align with the priorities of the administration. The effects of these changes were felt by researchers from the United States and abroad.
I was really, really passionate about my work, but the situation in the United States is so stressful, known as a postdoctoral researcher who studies cancer and genomics in a prestigious American institution and who asked for anonymity because she did not have permission to speak to the media. The researcher is from South Asia, but has spent the last four years in the United States and is now talking to Europe's colleagues about opportunities. As a person who is not an American citizen, she is concerned about media reports describing Trump's administration plans to introduce travel prohibitions affecting specific countries.
Are you a researcher in the United States who plans to leave the country? Do you make plans? We want to hear from you.
Madhukar Pai, a researcher in tuberculosis at McGill University in Montreal, in Canada, says that American colleagues were in contact in search of work or to want to speak. Distress is very palpable and sad to see, he says.
Ready to leave
An eminent researcher of infectious differences, which is a double national of the United States and a Member State of the European Union, intends to return to Europe in the coming months. It is the first time in decade and a half since he has moved to the United States that he is seriously considering job offers from colleagues from the Atlantic. There is the case where staying and fighting, but I have to consider the best decision for me, my family, my laboratory, my research and my mental health, says that the researcher, who wants to remain anonymous because his plans are not finalized and to protect his team.
He says that his reasons to leave include administrations of Trump anti-scientific rhetoric and leadership changes in the main government agencies. He is also concerned about the future of funding in his field of infectious diseases and virology.
Leaving the United States will require compromises, he said. Wages in Europe are generally lower than those of researchers with their experience in the United States, and the research environment in Europe can be less interdisciplinary, he said. The financing of science across Europe also remains stagnant. But having the possibility of leaving for a place in an extremely privileged position, he adds.
Difficult labor market
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