The United Kingdom calls for President Putin to agree with the Ukrainian ceasefire at a meeting with his allies.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer called for a ceasefire at the second meeting of allies on Saturdays to discuss Russia about the Ukrainian war.
British Prime Minister Keir Starmer urged Russian President Vladimir Putin to sign a ceasefire in the war with Ukraine if he was serious about peace.
At the end of the fictional meeting with the allies in the Union, Krem Lins delayed and delayed the US President Donald Trump's ceasefire proposal, and Russia continued to use a brutal attack on Ukraine, and Putins was entirely opposed to the desire for peace.
When a ceasefire occurred, we emphasized the need for a strong monitoring contract so that the transaction violation was confirmed and requested.
About 25 countries, including European partners such as France and Italy, were involved in this call. Leaders from Australia, Canada and New Zealand and civil servants in NATO and European unions were also expected to participate.
Sooner or later, he feels like he should come to the table and participate in serious discussions, but this is a big deal, but at our meeting this morning, we can't wait until I sit and sit. ”STARMER mentioned President Putin.
I think it can strengthen ourselves by strengthening Ukraine, and it can be clearly strengthened in terms of military capacity in terms of funding in terms of providing additional support for all of us.
The Saturday meeting was sponsored by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy due to the US proposal for a 30 -day truce in Ukraine.
Like the last meeting of the willing coalition on March 2, there was no US representative and changed the approach to war after President Trump returned to the White House. The change in approach to the approach taken by Trump's predecessor, Joe Biden, is particularly noteworthy after Trump collides with Zelenskyy at the elliptical office on February 28.
Putin pointed out that in principle, he supported the ceasefire but set up details to clarify before he agreed to the ceasefire. US Secretary of State Marco Rubio expressed his careful optimism on the possibility of Putin, who met Steve Witkoff, a US special envoy.
Starmer seems to be optimistic, and Putin says that Trump's peace plan and meaningless game needs specific promises to Western leaders.
Starmer has been willing to assemble the alliance to persuade Trump to support Trump with French President Emmanuel Macron. One result is that the acceptance of European countries is already increasing, and more efforts must be made to guarantee self -security, especially in increasing defense expenditures.
Ukraine has already approved the ceasefire proposal under serious military pressure on some of the front line after three years of full invasion. The Russian army gained the power of the battlefield, and analysts said they would be reluctant to rush to the ceasefire, feeling that Putin was advantageous.
Russia and Ukraine continue to strike
Russia and Ukraine hit a heavy air over the night on Saturday, and both sides reported more than 100 enemy drones on each territory.
Russia's Volgograd Governor Andrei Bocharov confirmed that drone fragments falling from the Krasnoarmesky District in the city near Lukock Oil Oil Oil Oil Cervicals caused fire, but no longer provided details. Local media reported that nearby airports temporarily suspended flights. No casualties have been reported.
The Volgograd Ceiling Center has been aiming for KYIVS's power several times since Moscow has started an invasion of Ukraine three years ago.
The Russian Defense Ministry says 126 Ukrainian drones were shot down, and 64 of them were destroyed in the Volgoggrad region. The drone was also shot down in Voronezh, Belgorod, Bryansk, Rostov and Kursk, officials said.
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian Air Force said on Saturday that Russia fired 178 drones and two ballistic missiles over the country overnight. Shooting was a mixture of Shahed -type attack drones and imitation drones designed to confuse aviation defense. About 130 drones were shot down, while 38 people achieved more goals.
Russia attacked energy facilities and suffered significant damage, DTEK, a private energy company in Ukraine.
Russia struck the energy infrastructure in DNipropetrovsk and Odesa, DTEK said in a Saturday statement. Some residents remain without electricity.
Damage is important. Energy workers are already working on the ground. The energy company said that as soon as possible, we are doing everything as soon as possible to restore the power of our home.
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