The Steel Industry in the UK requires energy prices during the Trump Trade War | Steel industry

The British steel industry demanded restrictions on heavy industry in order to match France and Germany as companies fought against the fall of the Donald Trump Trade War.
UK STEEL, a lobby group, proposed that the government would set the maximum price of energy through the difference agreement (CFD) before the new steel strategy was announced.
As a core element that disadvantage the UK's operation, British steelmakers and other industrial energy users have long been integrated in nominating high energy prices.
The analysis of the UK consulting firm, Baringa, said that the analysis of British companies will pay about 68 megawatts (MWH) for electricity this year compared to 44 French and 52 in Germany this year.
The British steel industry is fighting against China's global supply and especially fighting against China's trade war. The US president imposed 25%tariffs on steel and aluminum producers to force companies to manufacture in the United States on Wednesday.
Liam Bates, chairman of the Long Products Chairman of the Marcegaglia Stainless of Sheffield, said: energy is the largest area. I need good energy [supply]Competitive energy price. It will be helpful when there is a current struggle.
The industry has accused the UKS higher price for lower subsidies than limited use and competitors of submarine cables that can access gas thermal power generation and inexpensive foreign electricity.
According to the CFD, the government will pay the difference if the price is set to energy -intensive industrial users, and the company will repay the difference if the price is low. Setting the price to France was expensive every year between Mega Wat 17p or 2026 and 2030, Baringa said that more producers in the UK could increase their costs.
The industry argued that the mechanism would provide clarity so that the company could make it much easier to invest in the UK. However, it is not clear whether the government will hold a policy that can be responsible for a large cost if the global gas market price rises. Labor also promised to lower industrial electricity costs in the election declaration.
Frank Aaskov, director of the British Steel Energy and Climate Change Policy, said: The UK is ideal because European competitors benefit from government wholesale price mechanisms that protect them from high power prices.
The British government has 25 billion funds to invest in the steel industry that survived the plans for steep cuts in other parts of the budget. The fund was established by upgrading the industry to switch to Net Zero Steel, including switching to a much cleaner electric arc furnace from a contaminated explosion position.
Some chief executives said it would be better for the government to spend on energy prices rather than direct betting on technology.
Some British steel manufacturers want the government to impose protection tariffs to prevent trade conversion due to Trump.
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