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F1 Australia Grand Prix 2025: Date, British Starting Time, Grid Location and Race Clock Method

F1 Australia Grand Prix 2025: Date, British Starting Time, Grid Location and Race Clock Method



MCLAREN locked Melbourne's front line for Melbourne's F1 Australian Grand Prix, and Red Bull, Mercedes, Charles Leskluck, and Lewis Hamilton drivers dominate rivals, including Ferrari, the seventh and eighth in the grid.

Lando Norris set up the Searing Final Equing Lap to secure the first milestone in the Albert Park of Melbourne and the Albert Park in Albert Park in Albert Park.

Norris said, “On the Team Radio immediately after the preliminary session before the opening race of the first Sunday of Formula Season.”

Norris entered Q3 from his hind foot after the first rap was deleted for four track limitations. But he delivered when there was a problem with his own running.

Norris said, “It is especially difficult because I want to take a lot of dangers in this track. “It's a track you need to stop, and you know what your goal is and you want you to do your best in many cases.

“Obviously I got too much of the first (Q3) rap and got a track limit, so it was difficult to know how much danger I wanted to take, but it was well collected.”

And Brit is convinced that he can maintain the form in the race.

Norris said, “We think it's okay in Bahrain, and we think it will be pretty good here. “We were pretty good last year and it had a much worse car, so we are taking one goal clearly. This is to have two cars at the top.”

Rain all day long is in the prediction of Sunday.

Red Bull's MAX VERSTAPPEN was third and prevented the team's free season face concern for RB21 cars. But he questioned the new team member Liam Lawson, who questioned the team's decision to replace Mexico Sergio Perez in 2025 in 2025, and challenged Mclarens on the 58th Rap Race on the 18th.

The Dutch said, “Yes, I don't expect any kind of miracle about it. “I think it's okay (I don't think it's the same as McLaren, but I will do my best.

MAX VERSTAPPEN is trying to win the fifth consecutive F1 world title.

Getty image

When is Australian Grand Prix?

Australian Grand Prix is ​​scheduled for GMT starting at 4 am on Sunday, March 16, 2025 at Melbourne's Albert Park Grand Prix Circuit.

Australian Grand Prix 2025 Grid Location

The grid position is listed below.

Australian Grand Prix Race Schedule

Gyeongju 4AM GMT Sunday, March 16, 2025

How to watch Australia Grand Prix

TV Channel: In the UK, live sky sports are displayed in all sessions of Australian Grand Prix.

Official F1 YouTube Channel and Channel 4 are available for free highlights.

Live Stream: SKY subscribers can be viewed online through the SKY GO app.




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