The British government announced reforms to revise the broken welfare system.

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LIZ Kendall, a labor and pension minister, will plan the right to guarantee people who are trying to return to the workforce today to automatically remove the disability benefits.
Experts and charity have complained that the current system threatens to eliminate benefits as soon as the system finds employment.
Kendall will say that the right to attempt a guarantee will not be considered automatically due to the change of the relevant situation that will cause the authorities to re -evaluate when the benefits are trying to take a job.
The minister's announcement is ahead of controversial measures packages to reduce government spending on health -related benefits.
Tuesdays are designed to reduce the benefit bills to up to 5 billion people annually. Chairman Rachel Rachel said that the government should grasp the broken benefit system on Friday.
But this plan has already been deeply dissatisfied between many Labor Party MPs, who are already afraid of the impact on some charity and the most vulnerable people in society. Concerns about this package were raised on Tuesdays at an abnormally intense cabinet meeting.
Kendall is expected to reduce the highest level of incompetence. Those who are considered unsuitable for work are now more than 800 people a month to double the job seekers' numbers.
At the same time, she is expected to increase people's basic support ratios in a workplace known as Universal Credit.
Experts argued that due to the low unemployment rate of unemployment, people with basic health were led by more people to claim additional inability and disability benefits.
The National Institute of Economic and Social Research said last week that the UC did not deal with the required cost for more than 14 years except for the short period of covid infectious diseases that the government could temporarily improve it.
The most controversial element of reform is expected to be changed to a separate benefit of Personal Independence Payments (PIPS). Expenses for PIP recipients have soared to 3 million by more than 1 million claimants since 2019 and are expected to continue to increase.
The Times reported on Saturday that a million people faced the benefits by checking PIP. Payment will be rejected for many people with mental health and those who are having difficulty in washing, eating and clothes. People who need hearing aids are expected to fall below the new threshold and lose their payments.
James Taylor, a charity range, said:
A government official said: Reforms are seriously painful and disabled people will always be protected, and in order to unlock growth as part of our change plan, the benefit bill must be put on a more sustainable basis in the long run.
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