Weather: The UK has been set hotter than Istanbul as the temperature rises next week.

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Some of the UK are hotter than Istanbul next week.
The Met Office predicts that the temperature will reach its peak on Wednesday, and according to the predictor data, the average temperature is much higher than the average temperature of 9.2C.
Meteorologist Stephen Dixon said: High pressure is in charge of the UK for the next few days, and work will be settled quite well.
As we enter next week, the high pressure begins to move to the continent, especially as it moves to Wednesday and Thursday, allowing you to turn off warm air from nearby continents.
On Wednesday, when London and the south are expected to expect the highest level of 17-18C, they will be consistently rising over a week, warm to Scotland to the north, and the temperature is maintained at more than 10.
The cities of Manchester, Sheffield and Liverpool will experience the warm temperature between 13 and 15c.
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The temperature rises to 18C on Wednesday (MET Office)
The sky is expected to be clearly maintained by the hints of the clouds on the west on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Meanwhile, Istanbul will see a big change after the 25C row is hit this weekend.
The UK will enjoy warm weather on Wednesday, but Istanbul will experience cold 6c climate and gray clouds.
Many places are dried with clear spells and light winds. The cleanest sky towards the southern part of England, where frost is likely to develop. Mist and fog patches are also available for long -term clear orders.
A bright start of some clouds all day long. Mainly a few light showers are available in the northeast. Feeling pleasant in sunny orders.
From Monday to Wednesday:
It is blurred on many people on Monday, and the shower is concentrated in the south and west. Dry and clear on Tuesday and Wednesday. Overnight frost and fog continue. Warm until Wednesday.
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