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34 dead through us, while ferocious storms go towards the east coast

34 dead through us, while ferocious storms go towards the east coast



A tornado tore a district at Villa Ridge, Missouri, last night, deracting the trees, breaking vehicles and pulling the roofs of several houses.

The surveyor of the National Weather Service Ben Herzog had been evaluating structural damage in the neighborhood today to estimate the wind speeds and classify the storm, which was then determined as an EF2.

Joy Azddou and his family barely arrived in the basement before the tornado hit their house at Villa Ridge. Theirs house was the first herzog evaluated for damage.

A few seconds following safety, the windows broke and the debris crashed around them.

We were just squatting. It was as if the house went down to us, she said, remembering the terrifying moments when she protected her three children.

Azddou was aware of Tornado's warning, but assumed that it would be nothing more than strong winds or hail.

We get a lot of Tornado warnings in Missouri. We just thought it was another thing about his spring, said Azddou. But when the wind got up and the power sparkled, it knew it was time to act.

It's when I said to myself, let go, let go, let goeverybody in the basement. And we barely arrived there before the windows blow, she said.

Now Azddou says that without insurance of tenants, she does not know how they start again.

It seems unreal. Have been devastated, she said. We have very little to start and were afraid. We don't know what was going to do at this stage.

Damage to the home of Azddou at Villa Ridge, Mo.Selina Guevara / NBC News

On the other side of the street, another family also faced a terrifying reality.

Isaac Purnell said he had initially rejected his women's concerns when she suggested that she hide. A few moments later, the tornado tore their house while their year was sleeping.

As soon as I saw the roof stand out, I felt all the air. The ceiling fell, the insulation was everywhere, so I just jumped steps, said Purnell. The whole door of the room exploded and blown me in the wall. I crawled in my sons' room, thrown on his cradle, and I curled up with him in the area until the storm passes.

The storm killed 12 people through the state.




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