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UKS COSIEST PUBS: Readers select

UKS COSIEST PUBS: Readers select



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The reader's FT comment name was provided in a thick type at the end of each item. It was included in the place where the readers provided details about what they liked for certain pubs.

Free PressCambridge

Cozy and centraled food, very local (not bad way). When I lived there, I liked it the most. Greet Megan. Rexyy

Fostons ashstroud, GloucesterShire Fostons as in Stroud, GloucesterShire Tim Gainy/Alamy

The pub rushed to this previous paid house offers Elderflower Mojitos, a local ale and has a shepherd cabin overnight. Fantastic bar cozy, fun and sublime food. benjuandraw

Dusty MillerhuddersfieldIDINSIDE Huddersfield provides Dusty Miller.

Many readers were famous in this area with glorious brewer beer, lovely atmosphere, original features and excellent views. When it doesn't rain. rpt66

Errigle Innbelfast

Original floors, TVs and music, Errigles Oak Lounge, are very cozy to be used in Royal Yachts, Ocean Liners and Henley, Wimbledon and Twickenham with Lloyd Loom furniture. The order to order is Suds Juicy Pale. Stevied123

The Holy TavernClerkenwell, London London, London, London, Holy David Richards/Alarmy near Farringdon Tube Station

This Clerkenwell Boozer, formerly known as Jerusalem Tavern, returns to the founding of Priory for the same basis of the early 1100s and goes back to the monastery of Knights Hospitalers. The candle is turned on every Tuesday. opinion has not been activated

Post Office Tavernbristol

Impressive and single -layer pub at the top of the Westbury Hill, the original mail coach house. On the other side of the road where prisoners are on the way to court, there is still an old gaul. Post Office-Tire in in .uk Lizard

Tan Hill Innrichmond, Yorkshirethe Tan Hill Inn, Richmond, Yorkshire

The 17th -century pub on the lonely hills of Yorkshire Dails. It is regularly snowing in the winter night. Nick1966

Horse & Groomcaulcott, Oxford Sher

Owners of great, traditional and good foods-Land Road is a French chef. The dishes can include monkfish gratin, supreme sausages and CRPES suzettes. Tench

YE OLDE CHESHIRE CHEESE Inncastleton, Derbyshireside Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese, Castleton, Derbyshire Bozac/Alarmy

Here you will not find game machines, full tables or sky sports. Instead, the priority is the atmosphere. Pi with him; Order the famous inn, goalkeeper (steak, bacon, black pudding, potatoes and carrots). James Bobbins


The 16th -century facility, famous for the cherry tree, which Queen Elizabeth would have danced with Christopher Sudan, was originally built to accommodate the bishops of the original Elise species. Grab the pork pie and sit in the bar. REXYY

Grenadierbelgravia, London

Grenadier, which is described as a royalty among London pubs, is a calm corner in the hyde park for 5 minutes. The pub name is taken from a soldier who died in a deception on the card. Visitors can bid to pay debt and make money on the ceiling. Warren Jones

Felin Company Griffinfel Commands, Felin-Felin Griffin Pub of Brecon Beacon

A bright red restaurant between Black Mountain and Brecon Beacons. There are storytelling in the fire, a low general price, and eight cozy bedrooms on the up floor. Roberts Radios was adjusted to welcome the guests of Radio 4 as soon as they arrived. Expat1973

Kings Armsborough, London

Old pubs suitable for half of Guinness's lunch and Lost Beef Sandwich. RPT66

Craven Armsappletrewick, Yorkshire Copyright Bevan Cockerill

Real ale, real log fire, header thatched roof. Craven Arms is a perfect place of rest while walking through Burnsall Fall. CRAVEN-CRUCKBARN.MOBI LEEDS_LAD

Steamboatsooth shields steam ships on Mill Dam of South Shields

A simple local buzzer that provides a variety of beers of independent and micro brewers. Keep in mind the gravel road on the way out. 27 Mill DAM, South Shields Ne33 1EQ GreyhairdentREUR

Blue Blazeredinburgh

Very friendly and more than whiskey [they] There is room for wisely. Underneath the Bar, get a free Sunday cheese board. hutchero

Shooters Armssouthfield, Mini Lake and Ham Pie Shooter Ams Daniel Thwaites

High on the hill overlooking Nelson. Dave and Lucy, which owns nearby farms, are operated to ensure field to fork agricultural products. Southfield Lane, South Field, Burnley BB10 3rj Tomma235

Herefordshire, WalesLedbury Prince

You can fight with Pint and rural boys, and you can return home for the next day. Pie is made by a water -winning pieminister. Cider is local. Church Lane, LEDBURY HR8 1DL Glass Bean

Mayflowerrothherhithe, London's Rotherhithe's Mayflower, London

Mayflower has a black beam and a candlelight restaurant exposed to a historic pub that is worth crossing the river for fish and chips. I claim to be the oldest pub in Thames. sp768


The 350 -year -old pub was named after a family cavalry on the site of the surrounding Petworth real estate. Today there are kitchens offering board games, straw bale seats and adjacent vegetable patches. TheHHORSEGUARDSINN.CO.UK sometimes




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