Cartography of American attacks against Yemen | Interactive news

At least 40 American air raids in Yemen killed at least 32 people and injured 101, most women and children.
The United States Air attacks against Yemen have killed at least 32 people and injured 101, most women and children. The strikes began on Saturday and extended in the early hours of Sunday.
US President Donald Trump has ordered a series of large -scale attacks on Yemens Houthi rebels after the group threatened to resume strikes on ships related to Israelis in the Red Sea in response to the ongoing blockade of the Israel of Gaza.
Until now, 40 raids have been reported, most of them targeting the province of Saada, north of the capital Sanaa.
According to Yemeni Media, American forces have launched attacks on the following locations:
Saada, some 12 raids were reported to Saada. A strike on a power plant in the city of Dahyan caused a power failure, according to Al Masirah TV. Dahyan is known as a frequent meeting place for Abdel-Malik al-Houthi, the reclusive chief of the Houthis. The Governor of the IBB, the deadliest attack, occurred in the Kahza district in the governorate of IBB, where American war planes have targeted two residential buildings, killing at least 15 people, according to Houthi's media. Sanaa in the capital, at least eight raids were reported, including one who struck a residential area, killing at least 15 people and injuring nine others. The explosions were violent and rocked the neighborhood as an earthquake, said Abdullah Yahia, a resident of the Yemeni capital, speaking to Reuters. The governor of Al Bayda also faced eight raids, while the air strikes struck Al-Majzah in Marib, years in Dhamar and the hand district in the Hajjah governorate. Taiz in Yemens Southwest, Strikes has also targeted the Houthi military sites in Taiz, according to two local witnesses. Who are the Houthis?
The Houthis, also known as Ansar Allah (supporters of God), are a rebellious group that controls most of Yemen, including the capital, Sanaa and some of the Western and North regions near Saudi Arabia.
The Houthis emerged in the 1990s, but gained importance in 2014, when the group rebelled against the Yemens government, which resigned and triggered a paralyzing humanitarian crisis.
The group then spent years, with the support of Irans, fighting a military coalition led by Saudi Arabia. Analysts say that the Shiite group should not be considered an Iranian indicator. He has his own basis, his own interests and his own ambitions.
The houths control the regions of northwest Yemen, including the capital Sanaa, while the Yemeni government controls the South and the East, ADEN acting as its temporary capital.
(Al Jazeera) Why are the United States attacking Yemen?
The attacks are involved after the Yemeni rebellious group threatened to resume attacks on ships linked to Israel in the Red Sea on the total blocking of the Israel of the Gaza Strip, which is now in its third week.
However, the Houthis have not yet attacked ships despite the threat of doing so last week.
Since November 2023, the Houthis have launched numerous attacks against ships off the Yemens coast. The group claims that these attacks are an act of solidarity with the Palestinians in the midst of the War of Israel against Gaza.
A spokesperson for the Pentagon reported that, since 2023, the Houthis have attacked 1,45 times American warships and commercial ships.
The US central command, which oversees American operations in the Middle East, described Saturday strikes as the start of a large-scale offensive through Yemen. According to officials, the strikes were partially carried out by Harry S Truman aircraft carrier hunting in the Red Sea.
During the previous administration of the American president Joe Biden, the United States and the United Kingdom led several attacks from the regions controlled by the Yemen onhouxes, saying that they were targeting anti-ship missiles. Israel has also repeatedly attacked Yemens infrastructure, including Sanaa International Airport, sea ports and power plants.
A plane launched from USS Harry S Truman in the Red Sea before the air in Sanaa on March 15, 2025 [US Navy via AP]
Why is the Red Sea important?
The Red Sea is a strategically vital maritime commercial route, with 12% of world trade passing through its waters.
The Suez Canal and the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait are crucial foreign points for the Gulf energy shipments, facilitating 12% transport of total oil negotiated at sea and 8% of liquefied natural gas trade (LNG).
In 2023, the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait alone managed 8.8 million barrels per day (COPD) of oil and 4.1 billion cubic feet per day (CF / D) of LNG, which makes it essential to world energy security and economic stability.
The main alternative to the Rouge de la Mer Rouge is to sail in the Cap de Bonnepérance at the southern tip of Africa. This detour is much longer and more expensive for world trade, in particular for Gulf energy expeditions to Europe and North America.
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