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Joby starts the UK Airlines taxi service with Virgin Atlantic.

Joby starts the UK Airlines taxi service with Virgin Atlantic.



Virgin Atlantic has been partnered with Joby Aviation, headquartered in California, and has become the latest airline that bet on a new class of electric aircraft that starts airline taxi services in the UK and compete to become a taxi in the sky.

JOBYS ALL-ELECTRIC Aircraft has six rotors and five seats, including a pilot. The car can take off vertically like a helicopter, then use a tilt rotor to move to the forward flight. Joby says that it reaches the top speed of 200 mph and moves 150 miles by single battery charging and can be 100 times more quieter than the existing aircraft.

Depending on the partnership, customers can book seats on one of the Jobys Multi-Rotor aircraft with the Virgin Atlantic website and app. The vehicle is a joint brand with the Joby and Virgin Atlantic Logos. However, the UK service must wait until the JOBY is certified. In other words, the aircraft met all FAAS design and safety standards and then started the US -based service.

Depending on the partnership, customers can book seats on one of the Jobys Multi-Rotor aircraft with the Virgin Atlantic website and app.

Aviation taxi operators face many obstacles before they become reality, including safety regulations and airport design. The British private aviation authorities began to investigate how the airport should be reevaluated for flight of aviation taxi, including charging and air space.

Joby and Virgin Atlantic plan a 15 -minute distance from Manchester Airport to Leeds or book a 8 -minute distance from Heathrow Airport to Canary Wharf. JOBY is planning a network of landing places across the UK and is expected to provide a similar price to the existing premium ground ride options when it is launched.

Sometimes, the air taxi, which is incorrectly identified by flight cars by mainstream media, is basically a helicopter without a noisy and contaminated gas motor (certainly has a unique noise profile). In addition to the Joby, companies such as Archer Aviation, Volocopter and Beta Technologies have eventually began to expand nationwide. But others are under. A German company, Lilium, said that two of the subsidiaries could bankrupt and stop operations.

JOBY has recently developed a record of completing four of the four stages needed for commercial passenger services in the United States, and expects to move the first passenger at the end of this year or the beginning of this year. The company also delivered a second aircraft to the US Air Force as part of a test partnership.

JOBY has recently improved when the Federal Aviation Administration announced that it would post the route of future aerial travel on the chart when the final regulations for EVTOL vehicles were announced. However, it is unclear whether the rules will be implemented after the FAA is suspended to review the Trump administration. Long reviews can be expanded beyond the 2025 target date set for the launch of taxi services.




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