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Conservative Party for abandoning dedication to Net Zero in the UK in 2050 | Climate crisis

Conservative Party for abandoning dedication to Net Zero in the UK in 2050 | Climate crisis



KEMI BADENOCH has been reducing the party's promise to reach NET Zero by 2050, starting with a conservative review of a conservative policy.

Tori leaders will speak on Tuesday and argue that it is impossible to hit one of the most important policies established by British predecessor Theresa May, and it is impossible to hit the climate goal of legally arresting British.

Net Zero's promise was symbolic of cross -agreement on dealing with climate change. Badenoch promised not to be cold as part of the decision to go to the general election of the Conservative Party last year.

We will say that we should stop pretending to be in the next generation. We had to stop the government with a press release.

That's why the political class has lost trust. The only way we can find it is that it is impossible to inform the unknown truth by 2050.

She will add: The current policy that the UK is implementing is not doing this at the same time, which increases energy costs at the same time. There was too high cost and too little progress between the two chairs.

But the news of this announcement caused anger among his party's environmentalists.

Sam Hall, director of the conservative environment network, said: Kemi Badenoch, who decided that Net Zero was impossible by 2050, beyond his policy review.

This weakens the important environmental heritage of the continuous conservative government that provides a reliable plan to solve climate change. An important question is now to build this plan in a way that supports growth, strengthens security, and follows conservative free market principles.

Climate resistance movement interferes with the Kemi Badenochs speech at the Policy Research Center held in London on Monday. Photo: Ben Whitley/PA

Badenochs Speech indicates that she will be a lot of policy reviews, and each member of Shadow Cabinet has asked to review the party policy platform from the beginning.

Conservative leaders argued that after the review, Congress did not want to enact full political programs later. But her initial policy pointed out that she wanted to push the party as a right of various issues, including immigration, climate and taxes.

Badenoch has promised to reverse labor tax hikes on private school costs and inheritance tax on farmland and make it difficult for immigrants to apply for citizenship.

Her torture says she has time to think carefully about the future direction of the party, and voters are mainly paying attention to what the government is doing.

But long policy reviews were anxious among many Tory MPs who believed that Badenoch was stopping political stimuli in the early stages of her leadership. One recently told the Guardian. She was running to become an opposition leader, but she thought she was leading a central think tank.

On Monday, she was supported by IAIN DUNCAN Smith before she led the Conservative Party for more than two years since September 2001 and was expelled by her colleagues.

Duncan Smith spoke to the BBCS Politics Live. Conservative sugars are very good at fighting with the leaders they chose.

ID provides some advice to my colleagues. The goal before you is not everything around you. If you spend time to find out if the Messiah will appear in the middle of you, the Messiah will not come to politics.

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Badenoch believes that she is a climate change in her speech, but she will not tell if he believes that human behavior is responsible.

We should not argue about whether climate change exists. However, the west is unlikely to be remotely close to net zero by 2050.

Mel Evans, head of Greenpeace UKS Climate Team, said: As the green industry grows three times faster than other economies in the UK, it means giving up the economic opportunities of the century.

The majority of people in this country are concerned about the climate crisis and want to see the government's actions. It's not time to retreat.

The 2050 goal was signed in 2019 by Chris Skidmore, a conservative minister at the time. At the time he said:

On Monday, Badeno tried to regain the mantle of Margaret's response at a meeting in London and accepted the investigation by US President Donald Trump.

Margaret Thatcher did not fight to decline England. She spoke to the event hosted by the Policy Research Center. She fought to make it again.

The two protesters hindered her speech. The first was to abolish the billionaire and yelled with a banner screaming before it was discharged from the hall. Then others began to call about the crisis of survival.

Badenoch said thatcher could hardly be criticized for the increase in living expenses.

The first protesters did not agree, and the PA news agency said that the Conservative Party accumulated extreme wealth by a small minority, causing climate crisis and poverty.




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