The diplomat in the center of the row with South Africa

As a veteran of the anti-apartheid struggle and victim of the inequalities of this racist government system, Ebrahim Rasol was still unlikely to chew his words when it comes to evaluating the new American administration.
But in a message to family and friends, the best envoy in South Africa in Washington looked almost relaxed about the diplomatic rings he had caused.
Shortly after, it was announced this weekend that he was going to be expelled from the United States, the Rasool ambassador wrote that he and his family were “all wrapped and can't wait to return to South Africa” and said that he was leaving the United States with “no regrets”.
Friday, his remarks prepared on the new government in the United States was delivered in a thoughtful and measured way without any suspicion of the problem that they would trigger.
In a webinar organized by a South African reflection group, the 62-year-old experienced guest politician spoke of the policy of President Donald Trump and the implications for Africa.
The speech occurs after weeks of pressure on South Africa in Washington about a controversial land law that has enabled the United States to run the country's financing.
The American government alleged that the white minority of South Africa was unjustly targeted. An allegation robustly refuted by the government to Pretoria.
In the opinion of Rasool, he thought that President Trump “mobilized a supremacism” and was trying to “project white victimization as a dog whistle” while the white population faced the minority in the United States.
The comments resulted in strongly divided and internationally divided opinions to know if it was walking a “fine line” as a diplomat by giving an “honest evaluation” or “crossed a line” that no ambassador should cross.
US Secretary of State Marco Rubio was unequivocal in his answer, saying Rasol was “no longer welcoming” in the United States because he was a “racing bait politician who hates America” and Trump.
The office of the South African president Cyril Ramaphosa said that the American decision to expel Rasool was “regrettable” while the president himself defended the “great progress” that the ambassador had achieved before his expulsion.
“So, it's actually a hiccup … that we are working on recovery,” Ramaphosa told Ramaphosa to repeat on Monday a position aimed at cooling temperatures.
However, those responsible for his government were more scathing in their evaluation of the actions of the diplomat, saying to the South African Times Journal, in an anonymous briefing, that Rasool's actions were an “insulated incident of someone who crossed a line that diplomats know that they should not cross”.
In the United States, the president of the senatorial committee of foreign relations, Jim Risch, praised Rubio for denouncing the “shameful” remarks of Rasool.
But for those of South Africa who know Rasol, his opinions on the policies of the White House and the way they expressed them is not surprising.
Having grown up in Cape Town and classified as “colored” by the apartheid system, Rasool, as a young boy, with his family, was forced to leave his home in the center of the city.
The racial zoning imposed by the government meant that people who were not classified as “white” should live in badly provisionable areas far from the heart of the course.
Rasool activism began in the 1970s during its school years.
“I really didn't know where I was going to have tasted my first tear gas, I saw my first rubber ball and fled my first police WHOP when I entered high school in 1976,” said Georgetown University for a profile element in 2015.
“This experience was breastfeeding life. It gave me an intensive course in politics.”
This activism would later lead to his imprisonment near the CAP, where he crossed Nelson Mandela, who was going to be the first democratically elected president of South Africa.
Rasool held various management positions in the African National Congress and South Africa before being appointed to its first passage as an American ambassador from 2010 to 2015, when Barack Obama was president.
He was again appointed ambassador in 2024, due to his previous experience and his vast network of Washington contacts.
Faiez Jacobs, who has known Rasool for over 30 years, first as militant colleagues who fight against apartheid, then within the ANC, came to his defense for his recent comments.
He was one of the participants in the virtual event.
According to Mr. Jacobs, Rasol was invited to provide an analysis on the current situation in the United States and did so in a “very objective and academic” manner. He added that although the envoy explains his opinions honestly and did not try to arouse trouble, he detected another reason for the reaction.
“The fact that he [is] A Muslim, the fact that he represented the opinions of our country on Palestine, these are all the real reasons why he was targeted, “Jacobs told BBC.
Last year, South Africa took Israel to the International Court of Justice alleging that Israel was engaged in “genocidal acts” in Gaza, which he denied.
Oscar Van Heerden, international expert in international relations at the University of Johannesburg, said that during his appointment, Rasool had “treated a bad hand” and “knew and understood” what was done in that time.
“The knives had already left Rasool even before his arrival in Washington [and] As he arrived, it was a simple formality to find a reason to be able to get rid of him, “said Dr. Van Heerden.
The academic crossed for the first time with Rasool in 1985 when he was a student and the diplomat was a high school teacher who “guided young people” like him and gave them “the necessary political education”.
He described Rasool as a “devout Muslim” who “represents the Palestinian cause of self -determination”.
From the point of view of Rasool on the Trump government, Dr. Van Heerden said that the diplomat had been taken in a “difficult position” because he had to face an openly antagonistic “host nation which, in his opinion, had armed diplomacy and foreign policy.
And although plans are underway to find a replacement for Rasool, Dr. Van Heerden argued that no experience or seniority would be enough to appease the Trump administration and that only someone with whom they “agree” cannot succeed.
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