Trump, Putin accepts the immediate ceasefire for energy infrastructure in the Ukraine War
The president of Washington (AP), Donald Trump, and Russian president Vladimir Putin agreed Tuesday during a long call on Tuesday at an immediate break in the strike against the energy infrastructure in the Ukraine war, but the Russian chief ceased to support a wider break of 30 days in the fights for which the American administration is urgent.
The White House described it as the first stage of a movement towards peace which it hopes to include a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea and ultimately a complete and durable end to the fights. But nothing indicated that Putin moved away from her conditions for a possible peace agreement, which is fiercely opposed by kyiv. And shortly after the end of the call, air raid alerts resounded to kyiv, followed by explosions from the city. Local officials urged people to look for shelter.
President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed Tuesday during an immediate call on an immediate break in strike against energy infrastructure on Tuesday in the Ukraine war, but the Russian chief has ceased to support a wider 30 -day break in the fighting for which the American administration is pressed.
According to the Kremlin, Putin reiterated his request for an end to military assistance and foreign intelligence in Ukraine. Trump, however, denied that the subject was resisted Tuesday during an interview with Fox News.
We haven't talked about aid, Trump said. We haven't talked about help at all.
Russia also wants Ukraine to withdraw its troops from the four regions that Moscow has annexed but never fully captured, give up any prospect of joining the Military Alliance of NATO and suddenly cutting its army.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told journalists that Ukraine was open to all proposals that led to lasting and just peace, but underlined the need for total transparency in the discussions.
Ukraine is ready to support all the proposals that lead to peace with Russia, but must be part of the negotiations, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Tuesday after US President Donald Trump had a telephone call with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.
Zelenskyy said he was looking for more details on what Putin and Trump agreed, but rejected the request for poutines to interrupt military aid and intelligence in Ukraine, warning that such a decision would weaken Ukraine.
We must understand what the conversation is talking about, said Zelenskyy. What are the details? And I hope that we will be fully informed, and our partners will discuss everything with us.
He added: there are two sides in this Russian and Ukraine war. Trying to negotiate without Ukraine, in my opinion, will not be productive.
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov is attending a press conference after the meeting of Russian president Vladimir Putin and President Tadjik Emomali Rahmon at Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Monday, March 17, 2025. (Yury Kochetkov / Pool Photo via AP)
Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov is attending a press conference after the meeting of Russian president Vladimir Putin and President Tadjik Emomali Rahmon at Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Monday, March 17, 2025. (Yury Kochetkov / Pool Photo via AP)
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Ukrainian officials earlier this month offered a ceasefire covering the Black Sea and long-range missile strikes and the release of prisoners.
Trump immediately applauded Tuesday development as a major step towards his ultimate goal of putting an end to the greatest land war in Europe since the Second World War.
We agreed with an immediate cease-fire on any energy and infrastructure, understanding that we will work quickly to have a complete ceasefire and, ultimately, the end of this very horrible war between Russia and Ukraine, Trump said on social networks.
Putin also told Trump that Russia and Ukraine should exchange 175 prisoners of war each on Wednesday, and Russia will also go back to Ukraine 23 seriously injured soldiers, the Kremlin said.
The limited break occurs while Trump still hopes to bring Russia to sign his 30-day cease-fire proposal aimed at putting an end to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Peace to the World, a painting created by Russian artist Alexei Sergienko showing a combination of faces by Russian president Vladimir Putin and American president Donald Trump, is exhibited at the Sergienkos gallery in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Friday March 14, 2025. (AP photo / Dmitri Lovetsky)
Peace to the World, a painting created by Russian artist Alexei Sergienko showing a combination of faces by Russian president Vladimir Putin and American president Donald Trump, is exhibited at the Sergienkos gallery in Saint Petersburg, Russia, Friday March 14, 2025. (AP photo / Dmitri Lovetsky)
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Ukrainian officials agreed to the 30-day cease-fire proposal during talks in Saudi Arabia led by Secretary of State Marco Rubio. Steve Witkoff's special envoy, Steve Witkoff then met Putin in Moscow to discuss the proposal.
Zelenskyy, however, remains skeptical about the fact that Putin is ready for peace while Russian forces continue to pound Ukraine.
It is not a game where only Putin dictates the rules, said Zelenskyy, clearly indicating that he remains doubtful that Putin seriously wanted to want peace.
Trump-Putin's commitment is only the last round in transfer radically the American-Russian relations while Trump quickly ended the conflict an absolute priority, even to the detriment of ties of struggle with longtime American allies who want Putin to pay a price for the invasion.
Trump boasted at times of his relationship with Putin and blamed Ukraine in the invasion not provoked by Russia, while accusing Zelenskyy of unnecessarily prolonging the greatest land war in Europe since the Second World War.
Trump said Washington and Moscow had already started to discuss the division of certain assets between Ukraine and Russia as part of an agreement to end the conflict.
Before the appeal, he declared the control of land and power plants would be part of the conversation, which came to the birthday of Russia annexing the Crimean Peninsula Ukraines 11 years ago. This daring earth taking by Russia prepared the land so that Russia invaded its neighbor in 2022.
But neither the White House nor the Kremlin mentioned land or power plants in their post-abpel statements.
Witkoff suggested that American and Russian officials on Sunday discussed the fate of the most important Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in southern Ukraine. Russian troops seized the factory at the start of the war and was taken in the cross fires, feeding fears of a potential nuclear disaster.
The factory is an important asset, producing almost a quarter of Ukraine electricity the year preceding the war.
After a disastrous meeting of February 28 with Zelenskyy, Trump temporarily cut certain military information and help in Ukraine. It was restored after the Ukrainians signed last week on the ceasefire proposal for Trump administrations.
In his relationships with Zelenskyy and Putin, Trump has often focused on who has the lever effect. Putin has cards and Zelenskyy does not do so, said Trump several times.
Trump, who has long shown admiration for Putin, also explained that the American-Russia relationship is also more normal.
The president at his recent controversial meeting with Zelenskyy grumbled that Putin crossed a lot with me, a reference to the Federal Investigation on Russian Interference in the 2016 presidential election during which he beat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Trump again underlined his opinion on Tuesday that Ukraine is not in a solid negotiation position. He said Russian forces surrounded Ukrainian troops in the Kursk Russia region amplifying an affirmation made by Russian officials who have been disputed by Zelenskyy.
They are well surrounded, and it's not good, said Trump, according to extracts from an interview on Fox News Channel Ingraham Angle. And we want to end it.
The Ukraine army amazed Russia in August last year by attacking through the border and taking control of around 1,300 square kilometers (500 square miles) of land. But Ukraine forces are now retired and has almost lost a precious negotiation program, while Momentum is built for a ceasefire with Russia.
The White House said that Trump and Putin also discussed the situation in the Middle East and that Iran has agreed that Iran should never be able to destroy Israel.
US officials previously said that Iran had provided Russia with short -range ballistic missiles and attack drones for the war in Ukraine. The United States has also said that Iran helped Russia build a drone manufacturing plant.
The Kremlin said that Trump also expressed his support for an idea floated by Putin to organize hockey matches in the United States and Russia between Russian and American players in the National Hockey League, who has American and Canadian teams, and the Kontinental hockey league, which includes Russia, Bélarus, Kazakhstan and China teams.
Isachenkov reported to Moscow. The writer AP Hanna Arhirova in Kyiv contributed the reports.
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