The EU excludes the US, the United Kingdom and Türkiye from 115 billion rear funds.

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Weapons companies in the United States, the United Kingdom and Turkey will be excluded from the new 150 billion EU defense funding unless their countries sign a defense and security agreement with Brussels.
According to the European Commission's proposal on Wednesday, the plan to spend on weapons by the National Assembly will only be open to the people of the third country who signed the defense agreement with the EU defense company and the block.
It also excludes a high -quality weapon system with a design permission restriction on the configuration or use of a specific component or a design permissions for control on the final use.
This will exclude US patriotists and missile defense platforms manufactured by defense contractor RTX and other American weapons systems with limitations on locations available to Washington.
This policy is a defensive partner and supplier that President Donald Trump is a winner for France and other countries who demanded European approach to continental defense investment in the fear of long -term reliability in the United States.
More than 65 % of the product costs must be spent in the EU, Norway and Ukraine. The rest can be used for products in third countries signed on the security agreement.
Kaja Kallas, the best EUS diplomat, added that the Ukrainian war was important to have weapons without foreign restrictions. In crisis, your army must actually have a free hand.
The United Kingdom was especially loving to be included in the initiative, especially in the European Union, aiming to strengthen the continental defense ability. British defense companies, including Bae Systems and BABCOCK International, are deeply integrated into the defense industry in EU countries such as Italy and Sweden.
If a third country, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Türkiye, wants to participate in the initiative, you must sign the EU, defense and security partnership.
The dialogue between London and Brussels about such agreements began, but it was involved in the demand for a larger EU-UK contract, including controversial issues such as fishing rights and migration.
Kallas said it has such defense and security partnerships with the United Kingdom. I really want it [EU-UK] The May summit we can get the results … I understand that we have to work more and together.
The exclusion of the UK and Türkiye will make a big headache for large European defense companies that have a close relationship with producers and suppliers in the market.
A UK official asked Tuesday about UKS's position on the new EU fund rules. We are ready to work with European defense for the benefit of European security in order to prevent fragmentation of the European defense market and to create a legal structure so that member states can partner with the third country.
This action will cause a significant shock in the British defense sector. He added that the rich in the UK defense industry are considerable concerns. We see a lot of opportunities and Britain is considered part of Europe. But Europe
The previous French efforts for the EU company's defense spending on EU met with stiff resistance in countries that are closely related to non -EU defense producers in countries such as Germany, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands.
This suggestion should be approved by most EU stocks.
According to the conditions of this plan, the EU countries will be able to spend 35 %of loans to the product using components of Norway, Korea, Japan, Albania, Moldova, North Macedonia and Ukraine.
Additional Report from Philip Georgiadis
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