The UK's steel manufacturer is already leaving the business | Steel industry

UKS has already lost its customers in the United States and says Donald Trump is experiencing a flood of cheap income after imposing a steep metal tariff.
Tuesday TATA STEEL and BRITISH STEEL bosses are looking for alternative product suppliers to avoid 25%tariffs on steel and aluminum in MPS at the Commons Business and Trade Committe.
Rajesh Nair, CEO of TATA STEEL UK, said: Customers already want to talk with us and cancel their spells and ask for rewards for potential orders.
The US presidential tariff, which is applied around the world, will be immediately expensive for metal imports, but it is expected to pursue a new market for companies that have previously sold to the United States. As a result, concerns about flooding at low prices from foreign sellers are desperate to find buyers to replace the previous US order.
NAIR said TATA owned by INDIAS TATA large corporations has already experienced a huge amount of transition, and the price of British has been low. The low price benefits for steel users, but if the exporner is artificially inexpensive, it can be more difficult for domestic companies to compete.
Allan Bell, the chief commercial officer of British Steel, said that it is priority to prevent trade transitions to MP. He preferred short -term measures to protect what we had in the United States rather than retaliation against the United States rather than retaliation against the United Kingdom, and forced the British steel to stop selling some products from all over the Atlantic.
Trump's tariffs have been under pressure with the global steel industry since they have been confused for years in the slow Chinese asset industry. As a result, the Chinese steel industry has been forced to sell products elsewhere in the world's largest.
The British executives are particularly concerned because the UK has had an independent trade policy since BREXIT. europe
NAIR said that the clear inconsistency of the policy means that the EU steel price is 60 tons higher than the British price. The UK industry has already complained about the continuous shortcomings compared to the EU because of its high energy prices.
Bell said he wanted to increase the speed of the British government.
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TATA STEEL was previously the largest Steel producer of Iron Ore, but SteelWorks in Port Talbot of South Wales stopped production but replaced the contaminated furnace with a much cleaner electric arc furnace. Last year, TATA cut 2,500 jobs from Port Talbot.
The British Steel, owned by China Jingye, is still planned to be converted into electrical technology, but it operates an explosion at Lincolnshire's Scuntorpe.
Alasdair McDiarmid, a leading labor union representing steel workers, is a powerful British carbon border adjustment in which the UK's decisive approach to trade defense and strong British carbon border coordination mechanisms can quickly cause the EU to protect the state from the flood of the imported imported goods. He said he needed a mechanism.
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