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Dismayed by Trump, the pianist of stars Andrs Schiff boycott the United States

Dismayed by Trump, the pianist of stars Andrs Schiff boycott the United States



Andrs Schiff, an eminent concert pianist who boycotted the domination of strong men in Russia and his native Hungary, said on Wednesday that he would no longer perform in the United States because of the concerns concerning the president of incredible intimidation on the world stage.

Mr. Schiff, 71, an imposing figure in classical music, said that he had been alarmed by the warnings of Mr. Trumps of Ukraine; its expansionist threats concerning Canada, Greenland and Gaza; And his support for far -right politicians in Germany. Mr. Schiff, who was born from a Jewish family from Budapest who witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust, said that Trumps calls for mass expulsion painfully reminded him of the efforts to expel the Jews during the Second World War.

He brought a ugliness to this world that had not been there, said Schiff in a telephone interview this week in Hong Kong, where he occurs. I just find it impossible to follow what is going on.

Schiff therefore decided to stop performing in the United States. He said he was canceling the appearances next spring with the New York Philharmonic and the Philadelphia Orchestra, and a recital tour this fall with a stop at Carnegie Hall.

Mr. Schiff, venerated for his interpretations of music from Bach and Mozart, is the last artist to boycott the United States because of Mr. Trump. Last month, German violinist Christian Tetzlaff announced that he would no longer occur in the country, quoting Mr. Trumps Embrace of Russia, among other concerns.

The small but growing cultural boycott is a discordant reversal. In the past, it was American artists who have often canceled commitments abroad to protest war, autocracy and injustice. Now the United States is considered by some as a pariah.

The White House did not appear by boycotts by foreign artists, saying that Mr. Trumps Priority is the United States.

Stephen Duncombe, professor of media and culture at New York University, said that it was not surprising that the interpreters passed the United States because he said, he moved democracy away. He noted that these artists follow a long tradition. Pablo Picasso, for example, refused to display his Guernica in Spain until he kisses the democratic regime.

Mr. Schiff was a frank critic of right -wing movements in Europe. He denounced the erosion of democracy in his native Hungary under the far -right populist leader Viktor Orban, an ally of Trump. (Mr. Schiff said that he could not believe that Mr. Trump had expressed his admiration for Mr. Orban: Viktor Orban is the last person I would consider as a model, he said.

Mr. Schiff has not returned to Hungary since 2010. He told the BBC in 2013 that he was facing threats that his hands would be cut if he returned.

In the early 2000s, Mr. Schiff, who lived for years in Austria, voted forcefully against anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic rhetoric embraced by certain conservative politicians there. And after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Mr. Schiff refused to play in the country, joining many Western artists in a cultural embargo.

Mr. Schiff is considered one of the largest pianists in the world and has made a number of classic recordings. He holds German and British citizenship and was made knight by Queen Elizabeth II in 2014. He has been a must in the United States since the late 1970s and has built a dedicated audience. He said that he had dear the United States for a long time as a lighthouse of freedom and freedom and democracy.

It was not only Mr. Trumps Rise who had disturbed Mr. Schiff in recent years: he has also been alarmed by certain actions taken by the far left in the United States, including efforts to limit speeches in universities.

Schiff said he waited a few weeks to see how Mr. Trumps, the second term, took place before making a decision concerning his commitments in the United States.

Mr. Schiff said he had agreed that the war in Ukraine should be implemented, but that he had been taken up by the methods and ways of the presidents, which he qualified as really unacceptable. He was particularly disrupted, he said, by Mr. Trumps, the attacks on President Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine at an explosive meeting at the Oval Office in February.

Just as painful, said Mr. Schiff, as Trumps Trumps is immigration policies.

When I hear this word expel, it sounds a bell, it sounds a terrible bell, he said. My family, my Jewish family, was expelled in Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

In the end, said Schiff, he could no longer appear in a country which he was so visited in disagreement. The general elections show that a substantial part of people supports these points of view and these actions, he said.

Mr. Schiff said that he did not expect his boycott to have a lot of impact, but that it was important to express themselves.

Maybe it's a drop in the ocean; I don't expect many musicians to follow, he said. But that doesn't matter. It is for my own conscience. In history, you have to react or not react.




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