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Trump suggests to Zelenskyy that the United States takes possession of Ukrainian security power plants

Trump suggests to Zelenskyy that the United States takes possession of Ukrainian security power plants



kyiv, the president of Ukraine (AP), Donald Trump, and the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday that they had a constructive call to move to a cease-fire between kyiv and Moscow, with the White House suggesting that the United States takes control of the Ukrainian power plants to ensure their safety.

Trump told Zelenskyy that the United States could be very useful to manage these factories with its expertise in electricity and utility, “according to a declaration by the White House by Secretary of State Marco Rubio and the National Security Advisor Mike Waltz who described the call as fantastic.

Trump added that the American property of these factories could be the best protection for this infrastructure.

During the call, Zelenskyy asked for additional patriot defense missile systems. Rubio and Waltz said Trump agreed to work with him to find what was available, especially in Europe. »»

The call between Trump and Zelenskyy one day came after the American chief had similar interviews with the Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

According to the Kremlin, Putin clearly told Trump during this call that there must be a cessation of foreign military assistance and intelligence sharing in the context of any agreement. But the White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said on Wednesday that the sharing of the American intelligence in terms of defense for Ukraine would continue.

Trump's call with Zelenskyy was about half of the duration of his call on Tuesday, during which Putin agreed not to target Ukraine energy infrastructure but refused to support a full 30-day cease-fire.

In an article on social networks, Trump said that his call with Zelenskyy was to align Russia and Ukraine in terms of their requests and their needs while trying to stop at the fighting.

We are on the right track, Trump added.

Zelenskyys' call with Trump arrives at a difficult time for Ukraine because Trump clearly said that the end of the war is an absolute priority for the start of his new administration.

Ukrainian and American leaders had a disastrous oval office meeting at the end of last month, which led Trump to a break in the sharing of information and military aid for Ukraine.

Trump has complained several times at the cost of the conflict that the United States has sent to Ukraine more than $ 180 billion in military and economic aid since the start of the war.

The US State Department confirmed on Wednesday in a statement that it had reduced the funding of the Ukrainian conflict observatory, an organization at the head of the University of Yale which followed alleged Russian war crimes, including the mass abduction of Ukrainian children during the conflict.

The Kremlin says that Kyiv does not maintain its end of negotiation

Before his call with Trump, Zelenskyy said that Poutins Limited Ceasefire was in contradiction with reality after a drone dam across the country.

Same last night, after the conversation of Poutines with … Trump, when Putin said he would have given the order to stop the strikes on Ukrainian energy, 150 drones were launched overnight, including on energy facilities, Zelenskyy said at a press conference in Helsinki with Finnish President Alexander Stubb.

Russia replied by saying that it had interrupted its targeting of Ukraine energy facilities and accused kyiv of attacking equipment near its pipelines.

Unfortunately, we see that for the moment there is no reciprocity on the part of the kyiv regime, “said Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov.

The White House described the call between Trump and Putin as the first stage of a movement towards peace that Washington hopes to include a sea cease-fire in the Black Sea and ultimately a complete and lasting end for fighting.

But nothing indicated that Putin moved away from her conditions for a possible peace agreement, which is fiercely opposed by kyiv.

Russia holds the proposal to cease-fire hostage

The Institute for the Study of War, a Washington -based reflection group, said that the requirements of Poutines during the call with Trump would constitute a Ukrainian capitulation.

Putin is trying to hold the hostage of the temporary ceasefire proposal to extract pre-emptive concessions before formal negotiations to end the war, ISW said in an analysis of call readings.

Stubb called on discussions between Putin and Trump a step in the right direction, but the president of Finland said that Russia needed to end his assault.

There are only two ways to respond to the proposal of the President of the United States: it is a yes or a no no, no conditions, said Stubb. Ukraine has accepted a cease-fire without any form of conditions. If Russia refuses to agree, we must increase our efforts to strengthen Ukraine and increase the pressure on Russia to convince them to come to the negotiating table.

Watch: Trump and Putin agree to take a break on energy infrastructure in the Ukraine War

Waltz declared on social networks that he and his Russian counterpart, Yuri Ushakov, agreed Wednesday that their teams would soon meet in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, “focus on the implementation and enlargement of the president of ceasefire Trump Trump of Russia.

He was not immediately clear who would be part of the delegations or if Ukrainian officials were also invited to participate in the talks in Saudi Arabia.

Trade accusations of Ukraine and Russia

Shortly after the call between Trump and Putin on Tuesday, air raid sirens sounded in kyiv, followed by explosions while the residents took refuge.

Despite the efforts to repel the attack, several strikes have struck a civil infrastructure, including two hospitals, a railroad and more than 20 houses, said Zelenskyy. Russian drones have been reported on kyiv, Zytomyr, Sumy, Chernihiv, Poltava, Kharkiv, Kirohrad, Dnipropetrovsk and Cherkasy.

The Russian Defense Ministry said that its soldiers had launched seven drones in electrical installations linked to the Ukraine-Industrial-Industrial Complex in the south of the Mykolav region, but that it killed them after receiving Poutines not to hit the energy infrastructure.

Moscow accused Ukraine of having targeted its energy facilities in the Krasnodar region bordering the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014, several hours after the talks in Putin and Trump. The ministry said three drones were targeting oil transfer equipment that feeds the Caspian Pipeline consortium, causing a fire and driving an oil tank to lose pressure.

It is absolutely clear that we are talking about another provocation deliberately concocted by the kyiv regime, aimed at derailing the peace initiatives of the American president, said the ministry.

Russia said its air defenses intercepted 57 Ukrainian drones on the Azov Sea and several Russian regions the border provinces of Kursk and Bryansk and neighboring regions of Oryol and Tula.

Zelenskyy said that the words of a ceasefire were not sufficient.

If the Russians do not strike our facilities, we certainly do not hit, said Zelenskyy.

Meanwhile, the two fighters said on Wednesday that they each had 175 prisoners in one of the greatest exchanges of the war.

Ukraine's red line

Zelenskyy rejected the key condition of Poutines that Western allies cease to provide military aid and information to Ukraine. He said it would endanger lives if the citizens were blind to incoming air raids and led to the pursuit of the war.

I only think anyone should make concessions in terms of help from Ukraine, but rather assistance to Ukraine should be increased, “said Zelenskyy.” It will be a signal that Ukraine is ready for the surprises of the Russians.

Nigel Gould-Davies, principal researcher for Russia and Eurasia at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, said that it was not surprising that Putin rejected the ceasefire, adding that it was reckless for him to say directly to President Trump, since Trump made the end of the war a great priority.

What we have now, in fact, is a competition or a rivalry between kyiv and Moscow to persuade Trump that it is the other side which is responsible for preventing Trump from reaching his goal of putting an end to war, said Gould-Davies.

Zelenskyy said one of the most difficult issues in future negotiations would be the question of territorial concessions.

For us, the red line is the recognition of the Ukrainian territories temporarily occupied as Russian, “he said. We will not go for that.

Yeor Kooval in kyiv, Dasha Litvinova in Tallinn, Estonia, Geir Moulson in Berlin, Amer Madhani and Zeke Miller in Washington and Brian Melley in London contributed to this report.




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