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In addition to talking about technology taxes, British racing to avoid worst Trump tariffs

In addition to talking about technology taxes, British racing to avoid worst Trump tariffs



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The UK is racing on April 2 to avoid the worst Donald Trump global tariffs on April 2 after a productive meeting with discussions on UKS digital service tax.

British Secretary of State Jonathan Reynolds told the British to continue to talk with the Trump Trade Team for the next 48 hours to secure the US's highest level of mutual tariffs.

According to the British Treasury, the UK management includes UKS charges for companies such as alphabets and Facebook, which are the main complaints of US negotiators.

The allies of British Prime Minister Rachel Reeves admit that the World Trade War can blow all our plans in the process.

Trump vowed to impose mutual tariffs on USS trading partners on April 2. But he is targeted not only to countries that impose tariffs on the United States, but also to countries that use other policies that the president of the United States, such as internal sales tax, is not likely.

British officials admitted that the British would inevitably be hit by the Trump promise tariff next month, but Reynolds' goal was to see that they were applied at the reduced rate.

A British official who said that we are working at a high speed. There will be other American friends in the tent and other people outside. Our goal is in the tent.

British officials have potential agreements on a wide range of trade transactions between the United Kingdom and the United States, and have focused on technology to alleviate British punishment tariffs, but acknowledged that the US negotiation position is required.

The main demand for the United States is that the UK will withdraw its digital service tax, which is a charged payment introduced in 2020. This is expected to raise 800mn to the Treasury, which is tied up in 2024-25, but it will not be significantly falling to US technology companies. Other countries in Europe, like Canada, have similar taxes.

Reynolds discussed the demands of US Secretary of State, Howard Lutnick, US Trade Representative Jamieson Greer and US special envoy Mark Burnett at a two -hour meeting in Washington.

An official named Reynolds has focused on the fact that the United Kingdom and the United States have a balanced trade relationship.

The British Treasury said it is not planning to change digital service taxes. Digital service taxes, which are 2 %of the online market revenue that derives value from search engines, social media platforms and UK users, are 2 %. But British officials said they are discussing.

Scott Bessent, the US Trump Secretary of State, said with Maria this week that the Trump administration will apply other tariffs to other trading partners to Fox Business Networks Mount. On April 2, each country will receive a number that believes we represent their tariffs, Bessent said. It can be quite low in some countries. For some countries, it can be quite high.

Trump is especially aimed at the EU, and the British special deal can lead to trade between London and Brussels.

Sir Peter Mandelson, a powerful pro -European European, told Breksit that he would have a chance to have a better relationship with the United States than the European neighbors.

British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and Trump agreed that the team began to cooperate for economic prosperity trading last month.

The British Business Trade Department said: UK is looking forward to developing this deal for the next few weeks and months.




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