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The federal judge refuses the request to arrest the AMGE redemption of the American Peace Institute

The federal judge refuses the request to arrest the AMGE redemption of the American Peace Institute



Elon Musk at the American Capitol. (APO photo / J. Scott Applewhite)

A federal judge rejected a request for an independent non -profit organization created by the Congress on Wednesday to promote peace efforts worldwide to arrest an aggressive takeover by billionaire Elon Musks Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE).

The members of the Board of Directors of the American Institute of Peace (USIP), including the former American ambassador to Russia John Sullivan, asked the judge in a trial brought Tuesday to prevent Doge from finishing the illegal dismantling of the Institute and of irreparably harming the capacity of the complainants to carry out their work of promoting peace and victory conflict.

District Judge Beryl Howell said that she had denied the requested recycling order due to the complex position of the USIPS within the government and because the members of the Board of Directors cannot undergo irreparable damage without the order.

Although she denied the prescription, Howell said she had found aggressive behavior of Doges against USIP officials concerning.

Several officials of the Ministry of Justice, FBI agents and other law enforcement officials had accosted USIP officials and its entrepreneurs while Doge tried to access the user of the USIPs.

“This conduct of the use of the police, threatening criminal investigations, using the armed police for three different agencies, Howell said. Why? Why these ways here? Just because Doge is in a hurry?”

Howell told the defense of governments she had been personally offended by Doge's behavior. I must say that I am offended on behalf of American citizens who have done so many services to this country to be treated so abominably, said the judge.

Founded in 1984 under former President Ronald Reagan, the Institute is an independent non -profit company funded by the congress headed by a Bipartite board of directors. The Council must include the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense and the President of the University of National Defense, but the 12 members of the remaining board of directors are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate.

The takeover of Doges de l'Estip marks the last decision of Trump administrations in its large assault against independent agencies and organizations that were created by the congress to operate without direct control of the White House. The administration was particularly aggressive towards independent agencies linked to foreign assistance work.

Trump ordered the USIP to be actually closed in an executive decree in February despite the protests that the institute is not part of the executive branch, triggering a dead end between USIP and Trump officials

On Monday, on Monday, managers of the Trump administration dismissed most of the USIPS board of directors. George Moose, who was dismissed as an acting president of the institute last week, also disputes his dismissal.

On Tuesday, DOGE officials were intruded to the user of the USIPs in order to access and take control of the institutes' infrastructure, according to the trial.

As these words are written on Tuesday evening March 18, the defendants are literally in the process of illegally destroying goods and access and taking over the computer systems of the United States Peace Institute, said USIP officials in its request for a recycling against Doge.

In one case, the complainants allegedly alleged that DOGE staff had ordered an official with inter-con, safety entrepreneur USIPs at the time, to give them access to the headquarters or to all the other federal contracts that inter-cons would have been canceled.

In another, FBI agents went to the private residence of the Director of Security of the USIPS, who was on medical leave at the time, to inquire about non -profit security procedures.

Colin Obrien, director of safety of the USIPs, said in a legal file that he was so concerned after being contacted by an FBI agent that he had called his wife and told him to lock the doors of their home.




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