Tour de France returns to England in 2027 and a double man and woman Grand DPARTS | Bicycle news

Tour de France and Tour de France Femmes Avec ZWIFT will be held in the UK in 2027 and create history as the first men and women in the same country other than France.
Tour de France Femmes Avec Zwift will not come from the UK before, but will pass through the UK, Scotland and Wales at the 2027 event.
In 2014, after three stages in Yorkshire and London, the men's race will begin in Edinburgh, as for the first time returning to England. The UK hosted the event for the first time in 2007.
Tour de France Governor Christian Prudhomme said: “Tour de France and the United Kingdom shared their rich history and brought Grand Pat to the country in 2027.
“The UK has always welcomed the tour with passion and pride, and we promise to make this event more special for cooperation in the UK, Scotland and Wales.”
Geraint Thomas reflected the highlight of his career after announced that he would retire from the cycling at the end of this season.
The first edition of Tour de France Femmes was held in 2022 when the Netherlands Annemiek Van Vleuten won. The female version of Cycling's Male Blue Rivan Band Event was previously known as a variety of names between 1984 and 2009 and became the LA course of Le Tour de France between 2014 and 2021.
John Swinney, Scotland, said:
“If you host a tour, it will be a unique opportunity to showcase Korea to many fans from all over the world as part of Scotland's amazing sports event timeline from 2026 to 2028.”
The UAE team's Tadej Pogacar Emirates won his third Tour de France Crown last year, and Kasia Nightiadoma of the Canyon Thram Team is the French French champion.
Images: The crowds are waiting for a bicycle to climb butter tube in the first stage of Tour de France in 2014.
Wales' first minister added Morgan.
“We have a positive and continuous impact on Wales' cycling based on the successful results of hosting road cycling events, showing Wales as the best international destination for bicycles, and encouraging more people in Wales to make a positive and continuous influence by encouraging bicycles. Will. “
'Dual Grand Part to create Continuous Heritage'
“The opportunity to host the Grand Part of the Men and Women and Women's Tour -toe France will strengthen the British fame as a destination for the major international sports events in England.” “This will stimulate growth, attract new visitors and leave a continuous legacy for both athletes and fans.
“Preparing for the first time for the British Tour de French women will be a historical event and will inspire women and girls to ride the next -generation female bicycles, supporting our mission to break the barriers so that women and girls can participate in sports.”
The largest free spectator event in the UK in history
British Sports Event Director Simon Morton added: “We started hosting Tour de France and Tour de France Femmes because we believe that Live Sport is the basic part of our social structure and that we need to host events that can access people and communities from all over the country.
“This will be the largest free spectator event hosted by the United Kingdom, and you can approach public front line for the world -class sports of villages, villages and cities. We can't wait for more details at the end of this amazing path.”
'Not only race'
The CEO of Cycling Jon Dutton OBE, England, said, “Tour de French Grand Defat returns to England is an interesting moment for the British bicycle.” It will be the first to host the races of men and women together, and we think that more people have the potential to inspire them to discover the joy and benefits of bicycles.
“This is not just about race, but to encourage a healthier lifestyle, support cycle tourism, and create a national moment that provides community together.”
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